Twenty Five ꕥ

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You woke, the pulsing of your Apple Watch breaking your slumber. Convenient piece of technology, you could wake without the blaring alarm or disturbing your husband. You glanced at him, turned your way his face on the pillow relaxed.

You felt instant guilt, you'd been dreaming of Jin. Why three years hadn't vanquished him from your thoughts you knew was ridiculous, but BTS was now Korea's darling and he was constantly in your face. Dreaming of him didn't have to mean anything, your devotion to Seungho was absolute. You couldn't control your dreams anyway.

"Don't forget to kiss me goodbye." His deep morning voice rumbled into the quiet room, eyes still closed.

"Maybe I don't like your morning breath." You teased leaning down to kiss his neck.

"You love my morning breath." His arms trapped you to his chest as his hands wandered to your breasts.

"I love you." You told him quietly and sighed pulling away. "I can't stay there's someone I have to find this morning it's time sensitive."

Seungho frowned opening his eyes to look at you, his arms dragging you back in. He knew what that meant, there were no secrets between you. He wasn't going to discourage you but you knew it made him worry.

"You can't keep that up when you're pregnant." He sighed against your shoulder, hands settling at your back as he hugged you.

"I know, but we have a year. I've got to help who I can. Are you going to see Chinhae tomorrow?" You sat up and he reluctantly let you go.

"Yes, I have the papers your cousin sent me. He's going to be livid, I expect him to retaliate within the week." You leaned down and kissed his lips gently before pulling back.

"Perfect. Check on Min if you can." You stood grabbing your robe from the chair next to the bed.

"She's been posting nonstop blogs about cooking and party planning. Maybe you should go comment on them or something?" He stretched and for just a second you admired his long naked torso, the strong muscle rippling beneath smooth skin. You wanted to crawl back in bed with him.

"Tonight I promise. How late do you have the camera screening?" Seungho had propped himself up on his elbows watching you.

"I'll be home by six, should I expect you for dinner?" He raised a brow, something about his expression said it was a silly question.

"Yes." You knelt on the bed and leaned down against him, his hands found their way into your robe.

"Really?" His lips against your neck made you want to please him, make him happy.

"I promise, I'll figure it out." When you felt his hard on against your thighs you moaned.

"I thought you had somewhere to be?" He'd untied the belt and had pushed the cotton material off your shoulders.

"I'll skip checking in at the office first, I'll tell my mom we're making a baby." You laughed but then groaned when his fingers slid against your wet slit. You were throbbing between your legs.

"Practice makes perfect." Suengho's mouth closed around your breast.

It was fast but satisfying, you both knew the other's body so well you could bring a cacophony of moans without wasting any time. When you'd both reached your climax he took you to the shower and washed your wash for you. There was something so intimate about the way he loved you, even if it couldn't stop the melancholy thoughts from spilling into your brain. Did you have sex with him this morning because you wanted him or were you feeling guilty about dreaming of Jin doing the same?

"Don't feel badly if you can't make it home by six Aein, I'll understand." Seungho slid your coffee thermos across the counter.

"I'll get her back on time Sir." Ji Hoon smiled and slipped behind him to grab a banana from the stone bowl on the counter.

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