Eighteen ꕥ

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The time Seungho was away went quickly, although your wallet suffered damage due to the multiple shopping trips Minjae dragged you on. Either she convinced you to loan her the money for an item or she suggested lavish dinners. As her newly devoted Unnie, you ended up paying. You finally chalked it up to the price of steering clear of Chinhae and stopped protesting.

Besides, in your head all your money was dirty so why not waste it recklessly? You didn't have a single won that wasn't generated from Cha industries. Your inheritance allowance, the money your grandparents had left you, even the money from your daily work all flowed from the same beast. The reality was even spending as carelessly as you had all week, the loss wouldn't have been noticeable. Why hadn't you ever realized your privilege?

"I'm hungry let's get ice cream." Minjae was scrolling on her phone, she'd picked you up from work with her driver giving you no choice but to get in.

"I'm exhausted Min, the charity auction is tomorrow I really just want to go home and sleep." You groaned, not at all tempted by the idea of ice cream. Hiding under the covers and not thinking about seeing Jin was your plan.

"Appa has guests and I'm pretty sure you don't want to meet them. Gimbap instead? We could go get you new earrings for the party!" She hadn't even made eye contact.

"Then why don't we get dinner?" You almost cringed suggesting it but she looked at you and nodded eagerly.

"They'll be gone before dinner, but I could eat. When does Oppa get home?" Minjae picked at a cuticle like she didn't care but you could tell she was waiting for your response.

"Late we'll both be asleep already." You told the driver to take you to one of your favorite restaurants across town and settled in to watch the city pass by your window.

The silence was comfortable for a few minutes, Min's fingers endlessly tapping on her screen. You could feel her eyes on you and you finally looked her way.

"Do you have feelings for him?" You sighed, knowing she was speaking of Seungho.

"It's complicated Minjae-ah. Seungho is kind, and we've become good friends, but if you mean am I in love with him? I don't think I'll love anyone in that way again." The words sounded trite even as you said them, and somehow not quite right.

"Then that kiss meant nothing?" Her eyes narrowed and her head tilted, the light from the window making a halo in her hair. She was definitely not angelic.

"I'm attracted to him, we're going to be together the rest of our lives. Maybe that's not an explanation. You'll understand when it's your own arrangement." You immediately felt awful, the last thing you wanted was to throw in her face that her fate was no better.

"I think Eomma sent Jaemin to my aunt's because she's trying to distract my father from matching her to one of his business associates. I don't think it worked, that's who's at our house right now." She sounded like she might cry.

You couldn't imagine how the twins must feel, their entire lives entwined soon to be divided. They were too young to for marriage, what was their father thinking? You imagined he was aligning himself with as much power as possible to cancel out the influence Cha Industries was building over him. You patted her shoulder and the remainder of the ride was quiet, you weren't sure how to comfort her.

"Have you found a job yet or will you be working for your father?" The waiter had walked away after you'd placed your orders, Min picking almost the most expensive thing on the menu to no surprise.

"I have an interview with JYP as a coordinator for next week, I doubt Appa will allow it, but when I told him he didn't forbid me from scheduling the interview."

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