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"How exactly am I going to break his heart?" You already knew what she was going to say, you almost held your breath waiting for the accusation.

"You weren't supposed to get so close to him, but I've seen how he looks at you, how he takes care of you. I just know the minute you figure out how to get out of this marriage you'll leave and never look back." She was shaking her finger at you anger driving her tone again.

"Where am I going? Do you think if I had a way out I wouldn't have taken it already?" You shouted this, no longer desiring to tiptoe around other people's feelings in this house.

What this brat didn't know is that you'd already tried to run away before the wedding and it hadn't worked. But hadn't you chosen to stay when Jin tried to drive off with you a few weeks ago? Hadn't you picked Seungho and your plan to annihilate your family's? Minjae was just a kid who didn't know anything about you.

"I saw your burner phone! You're planning something." Min wasn't intimidated by your volume, she glared.

"It only fucking contacts your brother!" You yanked it from its pocket inside your waistband and held it out. "Look for yourself."

You flushed, this could be really bad, but you were extending some trust even if she didn't deserve it. She left the chair, skepticism all over her face and yanked the phone from your fingers. You watched as she opened it and scrolled through the messages. You knew the most recent ones were about your family's investment you'd found when you were collecting paperwork from your mother about laundering money in the Cayman Islands.

"How can I tell these are to my brother I don't recognize the phone number?" Her brows were furrowed, and you didn't blame her. There wasn't much that would give it away that was the whole point.

You took the phone back from her hands and stood next to her holding it out as you scrolled for a moment and then read the message out loud.

"I heard your Appa had his sights on marriage for Jae. Can you stop it?" You paused looking over your shoulder at her.

"This doesn't prove you won't leave him." She crossed her arms defiantly and dropped back into the chair.

"Minjae I have no where to go. My family will not take me back, they want this match. My ex won't do anything to save me. I'm here, this is my life now."

"Fine, you're here, great. But Seungho is soft, he's already crazy about you. It's obvious you only tolerate him, so don't sleep with him anymore. He'll think it means more than it does." Minjae refused to give up, her lip protruding as she pouted.

"Sex doesn't have to mean love Min. Your brother isn't stupid, he knows everything. Let him take care of himself. I will always be kind toward him, it's not my intention to toy with his heart." You crouched in front of her, your eyes pleading. You couldn't promise to love her brother, but you already cared for him a lot.

"It won't be enough. Someday he's going to have to pay the price for loving you. Get out." She turned her body away and refused to look at you again. You finally stood, unsure what you could say to convince her of your intentions.

"Don't tell anyone about the phones, that could definitely put your brother at risk." You managed to ask her before you opened the door to leave.

"I won't, but tell him not to ask me to babysit you anymore."


Later getting dressed for the evening Seungho leaned against the counter where you were doing your makeup. He'd been locked in his father's study all day, you assumed going over the details of the Hong Kong trip.

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