Thirty Nine

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"Get a hold of yourself Y/N-ah." Dongbin shouted, pointing the gun at Ji Hoon's head. "I can't even hear myself think with your wailing."

Your body was shaking, your breakfast rising in your stomach into your throat. Your fingers flew to your mouth but you couldn't stop to yourself, vomit passed your lips. Your mouth felt acidic, your tears burning down your cheeks, but the panic was making everything else fade away.

"Oppa stop I'll tell you what I know." The words were tremulous, you spat the remaining taste from your mouth, glancing toward the side trying to see if Ji Hoon was okay.

His eyes were open but his face had gone pale, a tinge of blueish color at his mouth you knew wasn't good. His jaw was locked, sweat pouring over his forehead like the blood bubbling wetly from his pants.

"Some of them are dead. The ones that hurt kids, we killed them." Each breath to speak scorched in your lungs, you knew telling him this wasn't going to save you.

"The ones that you didn't?" Dongbin glared, clearly already furious at whatever you would say next.

"In the US, I had a contact with the CIA they gave them protection." A cry bounced from your lips when he stepped your way, you almost tripped over your feet scrambling backward.

"You've been working with the fucking CIA? Why haven't they arrest anyone then?" Furious wasn't even the right word, Dongbin looked scared.

"Busting Cha industries isn't worth making waves with the Korean government." You held your hands up between you, then almost laughed at how stupid the motion seemed.

Dongbin had a gun, there were two of them. If they could disable Ji Hoon quietly what chance did you have? You needed to distract him and run. If you could get back across the lake to your car hidden in the overgrown weeds then maybe you'd make it. Except the keys were in Ji Hoon's pocket and where would you go?

"You've been a very busy bee sister. Dispensing justice like a real Marvel character." Dongbin's laugh was boyish but underneath you could hear the worry in it too.

"Don't you ever regret what our family is doing? Don't you ever wish our generation could be different?"

"Regret being unspeakably rich? Having more power than most people will have in their entire lives? No I don't regret it, but I think you're going to have quite a few." Dongbin stepped forward and you sprang backward, whipping your body around.

You held your breath waiting for the gunshot or his enraged order to stop but found neither. Two strides later you turned through the doorway and around the corner and barreled into the chest of someone. The shock knocked all the air from your lungs and you tumbled backward, hitting the dirty floor and skidding several inches.

When you looked up gasping, hoping for Ji Hoon's contact you were severely disappointed seeing your cousin, Hyujin. In his hands he held the folder you'd left on the floor, filled with pictures incriminating the driver, the confession papers, cash and paperwork to get them out of the country.

"Impressively clean work Y/N." He grinned not cruelly at you before snatching your wrist and swinging you upward.

"Did you think I would have come unprepared? Looks like you've gotten sloppy. I'll admit you got the slip on us far longer than most, but I'll chalk it up to that intensely intelligent Cha brain." Dongbin came through the doorway smirking at your misery.

The driver was half carrying, half dragging Ji Hoon, and you inwardly sighed. Would it have been better for them to abandon him? Was he in good enough shape to have gotten to the car? Or did he stand a better chance sticking with all of you?

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