Twenty Six

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When Ji Hoon had first turned up in your office you'd been annoyed at his announcement. He'd been hired to be your security guard. He'd provide protection full time, he'd told you, his tone cool and without any further details. You'd rolled your eyes it was too late for your family to care about your safety.

Besides Chinhae had become more sneaky with his brutality, he rarely needed to hit you or relegate Seungho to do it. He could ignite terror for the whole household in different ways. What did you need a body guard for?

Ji Hoon insisted his contract was paid for thirty days, at least let him be by your side until then. If you were dissatisfied with his service after that he wouldn't renew. You'd reluctantly agreed, not needing one more man in your life making decisions for you.

That first night at dinner, Ji Hoon quietly standing perfectly straight against the wall, Chinhae shifted in his seat with irritation. You just knew he was gearing up for a hell of a tantrum. When you introduced Ji Hoon, Seungho feigned surprise even though you'd briefed him on the burner hours before. Chinhae had shrugged probably assuming Ji Hoon would quickly understand his place within these walls like everyone else had.

You didn't even remember what Minji said, something about you shopping with Minjae, but Chinhae's head snapped in your direction. The intense meanness was there, he was about to say something disgusting.

"I think you need a new dress too Y/N, that one makes your breasts look small, how will you ever find a lover for a proper affair?" The leering look on his face as he stared at your chest rolled nausea through you.

Before even Seungho could comment Ji Hoon was pressed against the back of Chinhae's chair, tall and threatening. His aura projecting something absolute and dangerous. Minji shrunk in her seat, but Minjae's face registered relief as she watched everything unfolding.

"You don't speak to people that way, apologize to your daughter in law." His voice was calm but also immensely charged with promised violence. When Chinhae froze Ji Hoon's hand dropped to his shoulder and squeezed.

"Forgive me, I believe I've drank too much." Ji Hoon returned to his spot and you watched as Chinhae realized he'd been essentially cut off from terrorizing you. He looked like a frail old man in that moment.

You'd thought Seungho was going to be upset, this stranger emasculating him in front of his father, worried it would make him crazy. You were wrong, in your bedroom that night he suggested you keep him around. The less Seungho had to correct his father to protect you the better, it was creating a rift between them that was bad for the plan.

Just because Ji Hoon was the newly erected wall against Chinhae's wrath toward you, didn't mean he got to join the trusted list. Your family had sent him, so in the very least his loyalty started with them. For weeks he followed you everywhere, only leaving your side when you were closed into your bedroom each night, reappearing each morning.

One afternoon during a meeting with your uncles and father, discussing documents you were preparing, you got into a bit of an argument with Samchon Kyulee. He'd mentioned needing additional authorizations for moving vehicles to Hong Kong. You were exasperated with his request, you'd already received the maximum number of permits from the Chinese government for the year and had told him so already.

"Just take them out in your husband's name." Kyulee's voiced dropped like you were the stupidest person in the room.

He said it with finality that grated on your nerves but when you opened your mouth, Ji Hoon, standing along the wall with the other security guards jerked his head imperceptibly.

"Fine Uncle I will max them out in the Yoo's company names as well. Does that work?" Why had you trusted Ji Hoon?

"Perfect, can you have them within the week?"

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