Bonus Material 2: The Dead End

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Guys, this is just a part of the whole secret. There are still other bonus materials to be added. Hope you enjoy a little part of the secret that Leo discovered.

-Zhac :)


I told Alice that I'll go leave to buy some food in the grocery, but actually I will just hide somewhere so I can observe the two of them. Alice is still inside our room while Ian is at the living room watching some scary film.

I heard a door opened, maybe Alice decided to go downstairs.

"Is Leo already here?" she said. "Not yet" Ian replied.

"Come to me Alice, I'd like to comb your hair" Ian said and Alice in the other hand went to Ian.

"I miss doing this" Ian said. Alice is poker face while she let Ian comb her long blonde hair.

"I want you to stay here" Ian said to Alice. Alice turns to her in horror.

"Well I am here" she said.

"Alice, not like this" Ian said and Alice gapes.

"Ian please, stop" Alice said. What the fuck is this?

"You said you loved me, right? We can be together again" Ian said. What? They are together before?

"Ian, I love you, I love you as a friend" Alice replies. What the fuck, Alice and Ian.

"A friend? Just a friend? I am with you when you need someone at your side, I became everything you need" Ian insists.

"Ian, we did a mistake, I know you realized that when you married Blair" Alice replied.

"Blair offered my father his money to marry me - Alice, I don't love Blair since then, I love you" Ian says. Alice's face is in disbelief.

"Ian, please don't do this" Alice said. Ian soon turns to her, mad and scary.

"And who else do you love? Leo DiCaprio? That playboy who cheated on you?" Ian said.

"It's none of your concern Ian" Alice replied.

"Or maybe Timothy, he still loves you too" Ian said. What the hell?

Ian soon disappears and returns holding a knife. She placed the knife near her left wrist.

"I better die than knowing you don't love me" Ian said.

"Ian stop, please" Alice says.

"Or I will just kill you then I'll kill myself- so baby we will be together" Ian said. I am feeling bad about this.

It is alarming so I went behind Ian and grabs the knife from her.

"Leo" Alice breathes hard.

"Give my knife back!" Ian said.

"What is this? Huh?" I said.

"You heard everything?" Alice asked me. I nod and suddenly tears fell from my eyes, it's been long since I last cried. Oh my.

"Oh no, Leo knows what we had Alice, Leo will hate you so much" Ian said.

"Leo, I will explain it to you" Alice said

"It's better that he knows what we had because if he will not know it at this time, I might kill him too" Ian said. What? She will kill me too?

"What do you mean 'I might kill him too'?" Alice asked her.

"I killed Blair... And oh, I killed Perry too" Ian said. She's definitely insane.

"What? Oh My God" Alice said.

"Blair's heart disease is getting worse and he only depends on medicine, so I threw his medicines in the trash and boom! He had an attack but he didn't have his meds" Ian explains.

"What about Perry?" Alice asked.

"Oh, I hired some drunk man to kill Perry on the highway" Ian said.

Alice comes to Ian hugging her. She soon looks at me pointing on the jump rope. I know what she wants me to do.

I picked up the rope and I have Ian wrapped around it. "Ouch!" She insists.

"I'll call Timothy" Alice said.


Hope you enjoyed BM 2, it's quite simple tho. Hope you'll like it. Vote for this if you're suprised on this one.

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