Chapter 22 - The Letter

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I was in Ian's basement. I just need to find something in here. Dusts every where makes me cough hard. I need to find something that will answer my question even for a moment. 

It was strange because I found a crumpled paper from the floor. It was a letter written I think too many years ago. Written on it:

I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I know it's been a year since we decided to have something more than what we are before. I thought I love you, like how you love me. Maybe I just want to feel it because I'm lonely and all alone. 

If you will ask if I became happy with you, yes I am. But those feelings are in the place where I still know you as my friend. I never regret about it, but I just woke up one day with questions like what could this be?

Maybe we just made things complicated, I want us to be friends, friends forever. Don't worry about me, I'm fine and will be finer as I go and forget about the miserable things in my life. But I won't forget you, like I won't forget her. 

I know you'll soon find your true happiness. I'm just here, I'm going to be on your back, I'll support you always. 

I don't know who wrote this and I don't know where this is for. I don't think anything about this. I'm going to find somethings that will make tings clearer. I need to hide this first. 


I just saw Leo came out of the beasement. Why is he there? Oh my God, no,

I hope he saw nothing. This could lead to many questions once again. "Leo, where have you been?" I asked him. "Ahh I just walked"

"Oh, Okay let's have some food" I said as I try to make him feel like there's nothing wrong. 


I still don't know what to do at this moment.  I need some more plans to make things perfect. After everything, I'm still the smart Ian everyone knew. 

Alice can't bit me, she never bit me.  I'm always winning ever since we knew each other. I ain't gonna lose. I just need time, time to make things as what I want. 


Late Update!!! Sorry!

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