Chapter 10 - Center of Attention

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Now, I'm in the airport, I'm waiting for Leo. I feel so embarrassed about everything, now I just need to keep another lie. At least, Mom will never ask for anything about my past. I waited for minutes before Leo arrived. 

"Hi Babe" Leo teased.

"Shut up" I replied giving him a bad look.

"You missed me?" He asked.

"No" I answered.

Then I saw some people looking to us.... Then some went to our place and asked for Leo's autograph. Some reporters arrived and asked us few questions. Well, we just go out of the airport and find the car.

While at the car, I use to feel so uncomfortable. I'm with Leo again and can't think all things that will happen and how can I go out with it without having questions!!

"So where will we go next?" he asked.

"In the house?" I said.

"Then?" he asked.

"In the house" I answered.

"Then?" he asked.

"None" I replied looking at him annoyed.

"We're not going anywhere?" he asked.

"I'm going to be busy" I said.

"But can I come with you in your next taping?" he asked.

"Sure" Kellie said. I didn't know that Kellie was in the car.

We went to the taping place, I'm taping for my new comedy show, Class of Cools.

All of the staffs just stared with Leo. 

"So it's true?" Manny, the Director asked.

"Yes" I replied.

"Well it's good for you, we know each other for almost ten years but I never heard that you're with somebody else. Now you better be happy" he said.

I'll admit it, I've never been in a relationship for my whole career. Because of my secret, I just stop to avoid getting them hurt. 

After the taping----

I'm scheduled to have an interview in the talk show, The Buzz. 

"Hi, Alison" Boy, the talk show host said.

"Hi Kuya" sabi ko. (Kuya means big brother)

"This is the first time in your career that you had a relationship" he said.

"Yes" I replied.

"So you think, you'll be married soon?" He asked.

"I'm not going to say that I am because things change and we don't know what will happen" I said.

"Do you think, Leonardo DiCaprio is the one?" he asked.

"Mmmm... I don't know" I replied to him.

"We will see" I added.

"But how are you and Leo?" he asked.

"We're happy and try to fix things about each other and also spend time together" I replied.

" I hope you'll be married soon so you'll be happier" he said.

"Thank you Alison" he added.

The interview ended... :)


Class of Cools which was said was not real...

The First Love (Leonardo DiCaprio) [EDITING But COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now