Chapter 7 - Guilty

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I'm a little bit guilty about what happened. I wish it never happened. But I can't change everything so I need to forget. I will just forget it if I'll sleep for a very long time. So I went inside my room and sleep. 

When I woke up, it is already morning. I don't even had a chance to swim. But it's alright because I feel better now. I wasted yesterday for making myself guilty and sleepy. 

I heard Kellie's annoying voice. "Alice we're leaving" she said giving a weird look. 

So I hurriedly went to the bathroom and make myself faster than before. Then I went out of the bathroom and wear my usual clothes if I'm not in the front of spotlights, just my jeans and a t - shirt. I comb my wet hair. Then again, Kellie was back. 

"They're waiting outside" she said. "One more minute" I replied. 

"I fixed my things and put it in my bag. Then I went out. When I'm already at the outside, I saw them. Mother looks even younger. "What happened mother?" I asked her. "We went at the spa" Mother replied. 

"Where's Leo by the way?" mother asked. "Leo already left yesterday night" Ms. Irmelin replied. 

I'm feeling guilty about what I heard. But I Know I did the right thing.

"Leo just sent a car for us to drive home" Ms. Irmelin added. We waited for  a few minutes before the car arrived. Then we went in. I stay awake and thinking everything. Why do I need to keep a secret like this? Why am I doing this? Making people stupid. 

Maybe I need to go back. So things will be fixed and I don't need to lie to them. 

When we reached home, I hurriedly went inside the house. I run as fast as I can.

"What's happening to her?" I hear Kellie said. But just continued. 

I run to my room and closed it. I sat down and think. Flashbacks came in. 

"Are you happy?" Unknown female voice. "Yes I am" Alice replied.

Then Kellie knocked. "Alice what's happening?" 

"I'm just tired okay" I replied. "You're tired? You slept for a very long time then you're tired!" she shouted. 

"I'm thinking to go back" I said with a lonely voice. "Why?" Kellie replied. 

"I miss my job" I said. "Really? or you can't take to see Leo?" she teased. 

"It's my job" I replied with an angry face.

"Fine, I'll just leave" she said giving a frightened look.

"Wait" I said. Then Kellie looked at me again. "Will you come with me back home?" I asked her. 

"I'm coming" she replied then suddenly disappear. So I get my phone and called the airport.

I bought two first class tickets. I'm lucky because I got a flight for tomorrow. 

I don't want mother to be sad but I need to leave or else my secrets will be revealed. So I already prepared myself to tell her I'm leaving. I went out of my room and went down stairs. 

"Mom, I'm going to the Philippines tomorrow" I said. "You're just here for  four days then you're leaving?" Mom questioned me. "I'm a busy person and you know it" I replied. I went to her and hugged her. I whispered "I'm sorry"

The very next day, I'm prepared to leave. Kellie and I rode a taxi instead of letting mother drive. I know she'll feel worse. 

I hope I will forget those days that I need to keep that secret.

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