Chapter 20 - The New Lady

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Leo's POV

What's the matter about Ian last night? I'm having some weird feeling inside. I'm more concern about what is her plan right now. I hope we're not part of it. It seems strange for me and mybe for Alice also.

"Alice, I think we should go back home" I said. She's still in her bed and a still sleepy. "Let's talk about it later" Alice said. 

"You don't understand, I woke up last night and heard your friend saying weird things" I said as I try to wake her up. She finally decided to listen. "What did she say?" she asked like she's serious more than I do.  "She's happy about Blair's death and she's going to do what she suppose to do before she married Blair" I replied. 

She's puzzled about what I said. I think it's normal for her because she never thought Ian can say that. "I think it's normal" she said as she wiped her face. "Normal?"

We decided to go to the kitchen. "Good morning" Ian said. She looks normal right now, like nothing happened at all. "Good morning" I replied as I sat down the chair. 

"Ahmmm Ian, we decided to leave soon" I said as make my own coffee. Ian stopped a little. She was surprised. "You will leave right away? You will leave me like this?" Ian replied. She started being lonely again. 

"Please Alice, We've been far in each other for almost fifteen years" Ian said. "Okay Ian, we'll stay here longer" Alice replied as she touched Ian's shoulder. Ian looked at me with a devilish smile like she's having something in her mind. 

Ian's POV

You can't leave me this way. I still need you for my plan. But I still need to do something to make things right. Timothy is just somewhere and I feel he knows what I have in my mind.

No one can stop me to get what I want. No one. 

Alice's POV

What are you thinking Ian? I'm too curious. I hope she will not say anything about it to Leo. He's not a part of that secret. 

I kept it for fifteen years and I don't want it to be wasted right now. Timothy is still here, just waiting for me to ask his help for this. But I don't think he will help me for long. He still want something in return, I'm feeling it all the time. 


Will I say the secret here or in the prequel? Answer it guys!!!

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