Chapter 8 - Ruined Moment

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Kellie and I were in the Ninoy Aquino International Airport. As we go out of the airport, I saw some of my fans. They call there selves "Alisters" I'm thinking what will they feel if they'll know my deep dark secrets? Will they accept me or reject me? I will lost everything that I have. So I better make them see that I'm happy. I greeted them  "Hi". They shouted so loud that I can't hear myself. Some gave their notepads and asked for my autograph. Some wants to take pictures with me. 

After all of those things, Kellie and I rode to the private vehicle of my T.V. network which is channel 2. As I went in, my manager, Jason Veles was also there. 

“How’s your vacation?” Jason asked.

“It’s great, we should be staying for a month but that girl didn’t listen” Kellie said.

“What’s the problem Alice?” Jason asked. “I miss my job” I said.

“No, she’s just ---“Kellie teased but I interrupted her and said “shut up”.

We traveled for a short time before we reached the channel’s office. As we enter the gate, I see a lot of staffs looking at us. When we’re already at the parking we went down. Some of them went to me and asked if I’ll still be a “Kapamilya”

(All of the talents of the channel were called Kapamilya)

I didn’t answered and just went inside the main entrance. I hurriedly went to the President’s office.

I saw Ma’am Charo, the President.

“So how’s the vacation?” she asked. “It’s great” I replied giving her a smile.

“So will you sign a contract again?” Ma’am Charo asked.

“I will” I replied. “So let’s schedule the signing tomorrow and also the press confrerence about your signing” She said.

“Ok” I replied. “Can I leave now?” I added. “Yes, just be sure that you’re going to arrive at 9 a.m. tomorrow” she replied.

I went out of the office and saw Kellie and Jason waiting at me.

“So, you’re renewing your contract?” Kellie asked.

“I will renew it” I replied. “Good” Jason said.

“So Can we go home now?” I asked them.

We again went to the parking lot to ride and go home. Because I want to take a rest, we decided to stay in one of my condo units in Makati.

___ At the Condo__

“I’m going to leave now, be sure that you’ll be at the signing” Jason reminded me.

“I will” I replied to him.

I went to my bed and fall asleep so fast then I had a dream.


“Where am I?” I asked to myself.

Then I see I’m in a hospital. There was me, crying. I hear footsteps, voices, shouts, yells. Then I hear a vehicle’s sound.

Then I woke up.

“Alice, its 7 a.m.” Kellie said.

I went in the bathroom. I removed my clothes and have some shower. Why is still my secret bothering me? I already escaped from it thirteen years ago. I almost forget it. I just let myself forget and be happy for now. Maybe because I’m still hurting everyone around me.

After taking bath, I change my clothes. I chose the perfect one. When I’m already finished, Kellie and I left the condo and used my car.

“Today is your lucky day” she said. “Maybe” I replied.

When we’re already there, I saw the reporters. Then I went in and have some sit at the signing venue. I saw the president and other executives. Jason is also present.

When I already signed, the media asked for questions. What will be my next project? What happened to me in my vacation? Am I going to tie the knot? And many other questions.

After it, I went to the studio where I use to spend my time. I remember my first ever T.V. show whish became my home for three long years. Then my beautiful moment was ruined when Kellie arrived.

“Come with me Alison” Kellie said. She ran as fast as she can and me, I also run. We went to the dressing room where a Television which was cable was placed.

“What’s it?” I asked her. “Watch this” she replied.

“Leonardo DiCaprio already moved on after his break up with Erin Heatherton. Leo was seen kissing a girl in his own beach resort. The girl was not yet known but we’re still getting Leo’s confirmation about it” the news caster said.

“You kissed Leo?” Kellie asked.

 “No” I replied. “So tell me why you are in that picture?” Kellie said.

I don’t know what to say. Everyone at the room starred at me. “I don’t know” I said leaving. 

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