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This is It:

Well, after Leo cheated on Alice, Alice finished Senior High and decided to pursue her studies in Canada.

Soon, Alice befriends Ian. Alice didn't know that time that Ian is a lesbian.

Alice auditions in the basketball team for women when she met Timothy. Timothy liked her the first time they met but they began as good friends.

Alice meets Timothy's younger sister, Perry who seems mysterious.

Then Alice and Timothy began dating for some time. Alice got closer to Perry and they started to having this sort of relationship.

Timothy was against this but he loves Perry and he loves Alice too.

Ian in the other hand is really against it because she loves Alice.

In the first anniversary of Alice and Perry, Ian got the idea of killing Perry. So he hired some addict to kill Perry.

That night, Alice saw how Perry died.

The next few days, Ian served as Alice's savior from the pain of losing Perry. They had a relationship as well.

Soon, Alice realized she's not in love with Ian. So she left a letter to Ian telling her that she will be there as her friend.

Alice went to Timothy's house trying to say goodbye. When Timothy gave her their family's dog, Taco.

Alice decided to reunite with her mother in Toronto when Alicia visited a friend. Alice told her that she decided to go in the Philippines to begin a life she wanted.

Alice comes in the Philippines and stayed with his father for some time. She even got closer to her stepsisters.

Auditioning in Batangas that led her to be a star.

Soon, Kellie and Alice unites and lived together for the next Years.

Alice hid what happened in Canada because she knows that not everyone would accept her especially in the country she's in.

After over fifteen years, Alice and Kellie comes back to Cali finding Leo and everything she left behind.

The threat that her past would ruin everything she has comes.

Yeah that's it.. Sorry, I was just eleven when I made this...


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