Chapter 9 - Let's Pretend

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I can't believe it! They knew that I'm Leo's girlfriend but I'm not! Now I'm just in my house hoping that it's just a dream. I'm making myself crazy. Unluckily, it's real.

I heard the phone rang. I grabbed it.

"Hello?" I said.

"I know, you and Leo were back again" Mother said.

"What?" I replied.

"He said in an interview" Mom said.

"Really?" I asked her because I can't believe it.

"Are you joking me? Just watch it" mom said.

So I run to my Personal Computer. I search for Youtube. Then I slowly typed.

Leonardo DiCaprio new girlfriend

Then I clicked the first Icon

"Here with me Leo DiCaprio saying the truth about his lovelife" the reporter said.

"So what about your lovelife?" the reporter asked him.

"For now I'm currently dating one of my childhood friends" Leo said.

"Is Alison Mortimer that girl?" The reporte asked him.

"Yes she's an actress in the Philippines" Leo said.

"Do you have a plan on getting married?" the reporter asked.

"Not for now but I'm still thinking about it" Leo said.

Before I throw my Keyboard, I just closed the page. I can't take it. It's not true!

Then Kellie arrived and teased "Leo and Alice sitting on a tree K  - I - S - S - I - N - G"

I think I'm going to kill someone now! 

"Stop" I said.

"So how are you and Leo?" Kellie said.

"Dead" i replied.

Then i heard the phone rang again.

"Hello" I said.

"Hi, Alice" Leo said.

"What's going on crazy man?" I asked him.

"Please pretend to be my girlfriend" he begged.

"You're crazy" i said.

"I am?" He asked.

"You better stop acting like a kid" I said.

"If they will know that it's not true your image will be ruined because they'll think that you flirted with a man" he said.

I took a deep breath. I can't believe it, it's happening.

"yes" i answered.

"So babe I'm going with you" he said.

"Babe?" I said.

"yes" he replied. I ended up the call to avoid throwing the phone because of my angriness.

It turned up that I have another lie again.

The First Love (Leonardo DiCaprio) [EDITING But COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now