Chapter 5 - Embarrassed Again

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My mother went to my room so early. She said the Leo invited a couple of his friends to have some time with him at his resort. I feel so uncomfortable so I disagreed to go. But mother forced me. 

 “I even don’t have swimsuits” I said to mother.

 “Kellie has” my mother said. I guess I can’t say any word to defend myself. I always loose if my mother and I will have a conversation like this.

 So I quickly go and fix myself. I wore a simple summer dress which is color white and a cute hat. I knew Kellie will wear a very sexy outfit. Then I heard Mother’s voice. “Alice c’mon the car’s here!”

 I quickly went down. I’m surprised when I see Leo’s car in front of our house. “We will be here?” I asked mother.  “Yes we will” mother replied.

 “We can use my car” I said.

 “You better be here because you don’t know where the beach resort is” Leo said.

 Yes, he has a point but I don’t really want to go with him.  I don’t want to feel so bad so I just open the car’s door and went inside. Leo drives the car; Ms. Irmelin is at his side while I, mother and Kellie were at the back. I didn’t expect that I will fall asleep again. I feel so good while sleeping and thinking to drink some water when we arrived but I just continued to sleep.

 When I opened my eyes, I’m so surprised when I woke up in the hotel. There were questions inside my head. “How did I get here?” “Did I sleepwalked?”

 Then I heard the door opens. I saw Kellie wet, I think she have been on the beach.

 “Hi Alice how’s your sleep?” Kellie said.

 “Great” I replied.

 “How did I get here?” I asked her with a curious look.

 “Do you really want to know?” Kellie asked.

 “Yes” I replied. “Leo carried you from the car to here!” she said in a teasing way.

 “What?” I replied with a surprised face.

“Yeah, because you’re so sleepy, I tried to slap you but it didn’t work so Leo carried you” Kellie replied.

 I can’t believe that every embarrassment that’s happening to me is my sleep’s fault!

 I wish I can be always awake to avoid being embarrassed.

 I just continued to sleep to forget everything that Kellie said. Then I heard Kellie going to the shower, taking a bath.

 While I’m waiting for myself to sleep, I always think of my secret. How can I tell it if my mother would be disappointed? How about my friends and the other people who knows me and my fans? Will they accept me?

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