Bonus Material 3 - Her Dream

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Alice's POV

I'm very happy today, it's our first anniversary!! I prepared myself for our date tonight.

I hurriedly go to their house. Well there's Timothy at the terrace. "Hi! Tim" I greeted him. He stares blank at me, in shock.

"Alison!" Perry shouts as she went out of their house. "Look, I brought Taco with us" she said as the big hairy chow chow comes to me.

Taco is definitely a smart dog.

"Bye Tim! Alice and I will go in a date" Perry said.

Tim and I first known each other, he is the captain of the Basketball team and we dated for some time. We turn out to be best buds then here comes his sister, Perry.

We started friends as well but things got so good and we found ourselves together. Her parents thought that we're just girl friends but she is my girlfriend. Tim and my female friend, Ian know about us.

"Where do yoy want to go?" I asked Perry.

"Anywhere you want" she says.

"Let's just go see a movie" I said and we ended watching Armageddon.

"Is Ben Affleck cute?" She asked me.

"Yeah, he's cute" I replied.

"You said Jack is your ex" she said. "Perry, his name is Leonardo" I said to her.

"And yes, he's my ex" I said. "Well he's cute too" Perry said. Yeah, and he's getting handsome, but then, I don't tolerate cheaters.

"Let's stop talking about the past, let's concentrate with the present" I said and Perry touches my hand.

"Okay, okay Ma'am" she said.

We decided to eat in our favorite restaurant, The Mallorie House where we ordered huge burgers.

"I can't believe it's been a year and no other people knows" she said.

"People will think that we're girls without boyfriends" I said.

"I'd like Mom and Dad to know" she said and I choke.

"Do you want them to kill me?" I said and she laughs.

"I see how hurt Tim is whenever Dad asks him if you two are together" she said. "Tim likes you, and if someday, if we won't have the chance to be together, I want you and Tim to be together" she said and it scares me a bit.

"Are you sick?" I ask her. "No, just in case" she replied.

"What if Tim likes someone?" I asked her. "I want you and Jack" she said and I choke again.

"His name is Leonardo" I said as I continue eating.

"You scare me" I said as I finish my meal.

"Let's go" Perry said as we leave.

It's already dark and Taco is such a good boy even if we left him outside the cinema.

It is time for us to separate ways. She gotta go left. "I love you" Perry said as she walk to cross the street, I turn away hoping she'll be mad at me for not saying I love you too. Then I heard a fast car pass through. Taco barks so loud.

I turned back and saw Perry, bleeding, lying on the ground.

"Perry!" I shouted as I come close to her. I dialed 911 and waited for the ambulance to come.


I am outside the emergency room. I still have her blood on my clothes. Tim soom appeared. "Alison, are you okay?" He asked me, I hugged him and cried on his shoulders.

"She's going to be okay" he comforts me.

Mr. Sulkin touches my head. "It's not your fault" he said but I want to cry so loud.

After some moments, the doctor went out of the room and shakes his head. No, it can't be true.


I am home getting drunk for what happened. It is my fault, I am the reason.

Someone knocks on my door. Then Ian appears.

"I heard about it, I'm sorry" she said and I start to cry. She sat beside me and places my head to her chest and caressing my head.

"Don't worry, I'm here and I will never leave" she said.


Hi!! This is the last Bonus Material, hope you enjoyed it. Please vote for it if you're surprised. Thank you so much.

Please read THE FIRST TIME, the prequel of this story. Thank you so much for the support.

And I am so happy knowing that Leo is not dating Rihanna.

- Zhac.

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