Chapter 12 - Ocean Adventure Time

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I woke up so late. I told Leo we’re going in Ocean Adventure! It will take a long time before we get there. So I hurriedly took a bath. Then I wear my usual clothes, pants, blouse and my eye glasses.

 I went down and noticed that everything’s different.

 “Hi” I said.

 “So we’re going to Subic?” he asked.

 “Yes, I’ll just call Kellie” I said.

 “Kellie?” he asked.

 “Yes, she’s going with us” I said.

 “Yes, she’s going” Leo said.

 So I went to Kellie’s room to wake her up…

 Leo’s POV

 “I thought it’s just the both of us” I said to myself.

 Alison’s POV

 “Kellie, we’re leaving” I said to her.

 “Okay, I’m ready!” she said.

 So we went out of her room. I called the driver, because I can’t drive from here to Subic.

 So we ride into the car and have some nice time. Leo sat beside the driver, Kellie and I are in the backseat.. I slept again because I’m still tired…

 Then I hear Kellie’s loud voice..

 “Alice we’re here” she said.

 “Yes” I replied.

 As I went out of the car, we first buy tickets. Then went in the entrance and have some time taking pictures.

 We first went to the Dolphin Show. We sat near the speaker to see the tricks to be made by the dolphins clearly. We are all amazed with what they did. We shout and clapped our hands with their performance. Then a volunteer is needed.

 “Who wants to feed the dolphins?” the speaker asked. Then I saw the speaker looking at us.

 “Wait, we have some special visitors here” he said.

 “Today, Ms. Alison Mortimer together with her boyfriend Mr. Leonardo DiCaprio is here!” he shouted.

Some people screamed. Others at our back got our autographs and took some pictures with us.

 "Sir and Ma’am, I think the audience want you to volunteer” the speaker said.

 The speaker went to us and shows us the direction in where the dolphins are. I was surprised when Leo held my hand… It was like high school but I feel so guilty. So I removed my hand.

 The dolphin trainers gave us the fishes then we gave it to the dolphins. When the dolphins giggled, we got wet.

 After it, we went back at our sits.

 “It’s so cold” Leo said.

 “Yes” I said.

 “I need to be warm, can you give me a hug?” he asked.

 “Hug yourself” I said laughing.

 Then we next went to the Sea Lion Show. Like the dolphin show, we also enjoyed the stunts performed by the sea lions.

 After it, we all went to Duty Free. I bought a lot of chocolates to eat while we’re traveling back to Manila.

 But I still fell asleep.

At some time, I woke up in a room, but it’s not my room.

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