Chapter 1 - Welcome Back

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Alison's POV

                     I've been working in the Philippines for almost 15 years and never had a vacation to visit my mother in Hollywood. I bet she is mad at me. I wasted those years working to have money and to buy an Island in Philippines so I can retire there. Yes, I'm preparing for it because I know I'm going to be alone forever. I've been so bad since I thought that I will be alone and never going to get married. Especially when Taco ( My Dog!) died. I've been so attached to animals, especially dogs.

                    The good thing right now is that I'm still with my High School friend, Kellie. She never want to be away, I mean she really loves me as a friend that she can't live without hearing my voice everyday. 

"Do you need anything Ma'am?" the flight attendant asked. "Nothing at all" I said. While Kellie is so sleepy placing her head with her seatmate, a stranger.

                   I can't imagine what will happen if I'll see my mother. What will she ask? What will she say? and What she want me to buy for her? I always lose my money buying what my mother wants. She wants a car, a dog, a surgery or a new dress. I think it's her way to forget that she's alone. My father and mother divorced when I was three. But I'm still thinking why is she not yet married again! Maybe we have the same fate of being single 'til the end of time.

                    The Flight Attendant said that we're in LA now. I'm waking up Kellie. 

"I'm so sleepy" she said. "We're in LA now!" I shouted. She started to put her make up on and arrange her curly hair. Asking if she looks pretty. Well I always say yes to avoid more questions!

                     The Flight Attendant told us to put our seat belts. So I put them on. I feel that we're going down. Kellie shouted like she's riding a roller coaster. As we go down some Filipinos saw me and wants to take some pictures of me. Some had my autograph. We got our luggage and went out of the airport. We rented a car earlier.

                     Kellie was happy being back here again. But I feel so bad about going here. not only because I'm spending money! but the fact that I'm not yet ready to face my mother saying my secret. Well it's not a good idea to say it right at this moment. I hope she'll understand if she'll know.

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