Chapter 3 - Flashbacks

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Kellie and I entered the house. I can’t believe it! Their house is bigger than ours. Well Leo is very successful because he earns millions of dollars every year. Maybe my whole savings was just his salary annually. Their house is really jaw dropping.

 “Oh, Alison and Kellie you’re here now” Ms. Irmelin said.

 “We should be so early but Alison moves so slow” Kellie said.

 “She’s so tired I think that’s why she can’t move that fast” Ms. Irmelin replied to her.

 “So, what will we do?” I asked.

 “I think we better change the curtains first” Ms. Irmelin said.

 “Do you have maids?” Kellie asked.

 “We don’t, Leo wants everything to be normal” Ms. Irmelin answered.

 “So let’s start” I said.

 I removed the big red curtains in their 47 windows. I’m asking myself why I am doing these. Kellie starts to put the blue colored curtains. Well there were dusts at the window so we all removed it. Ms. Irmelin is at her kitchen cooking some food that smells great.

 I vacuumed the carpets and the floors. We also arranged some of the furniture. Ms. Irmelin went to me.

 “Can you please clean Leo’s room too?” Ms. Irmelin pleaded.

 “It’s alright for her Ma’am, she and Leo have their past” Kellie interrupted.

 Ms. Irmelin smiled to me and went back to the kitchen shouting “Thank you”

 I walked to the stairs to Leo’s room. When I opened the door, I saw a lot of basketball stuff. He still loves basketball. Well, we both watched basketball in our first date. Well it is not the topic so let’s go back. I removed the bed sheets, remove some dusts and clean the picture frames. I went down and get some new bed sheets. I properly arranged them. I feel so tired when I’m already finished. Suddenly my eyes were getting heavy.

Maybe I need to rest for a moment. No one could ever notice that I slept for some time. Well I deserve a nap, I cleaned this dusty room. I'm about to spend some moment with my other high school friends but not, instead I'm cleaning the room of my ex-boyfriend. 

Good thing I'm not hearing Kellie's voice at this moment. 

Let's just wait for how am I going to act when Leo got home. Well I need to show him how happy I am after all the things.

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