Chapter 13 - A Big Mistake

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I don’t know where I am right now. But I’m having a headache. I think I need to sleep for a while. When I moved, I suddenly fell and went awake.

Oh my God! I am in Leo’s room.

Then I heard someone opening the door.

“You ok?” Leo asked me.

“Why am I here?” I asked him.

“You don’t remember?” he asked.

“Remember what?” I asked him.

“We made love” he said.

“Really?” I said

“Yes we do” he replied.

I suddenly felt ill.

“You can come down, you should eat breakfast first” he said.

But I just went to the bathroom to clean myself. I’m promising to myself that I will never fell asleep in a place where I will not be secured.

Then I went in my room. I changed my clothes and went down to have some breakfast.

“Alice, Jason called, he said you’ll have to go in ASAP later” Kellie said.

“Ok, I’ll be there” I replied.

Then I asked the maid to serve rice for me.

________After 3 Hours_______

I’m ready to leave when Leo approached me.

“Where are you going?” he asked.

“Job” I said.

“Okay, what time will you come back?”  He asked.

“I don’t know but I’m going to be back not that late” I replied and left.

I know it was a big mistake but I know this pretending is not for forever. Maybe it will take just a few months before we separate.

Maybe he will be disappointed if he’ll know what my secret is. I don’t want him to suffer and regret that we became in touch with each other.

The worst part of it is what my mother will say. I already have that secret for almost ten years and keep it as a secret since now.

I don’t know if people will still accept me after it.


“Don’t hide it be proud of it” It was Timothy’s voice.

“I wish I can be confident like that” I said.

“You better be, it was you so what will you do? Let the both of you suffer?” Timothy said.

‘No, but I don’t think it will be right” I said.

“If you want it then do it, what do you want, to live happy with saying what you want or suffer forever because you chose to live in your own lie?” Timothy said.

_______End of Flashbacks______

I can’t see myself happy being free. All I know is that I’m living; living in my lie and all the people around me also lives in my lie. They don’t know that they’re just being tricked.


 Author's Note:

Try to guess what is Alison's secret.... :)

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