Chapter 15 - 3 Months Later

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Leo and I started to be like we are before. But I'm still afraid in what will happen with us. I hope he'll not be mad if he'll know my secret.

It's just another day for the both of us and it's kind of special. I feel I'm being a part of the world because of him.

I was surprised to receive a call from my close friend in Canada.

Me: Hello, Ian what's your news, why did you call?

Ian: There's a sad news

Me: What?

Ian: Blair passed away.

Me: What? How?

Ian: He never said that he already have cancer.

Me: I'm sorry.. condolence

Ian: Can you come here just to support me?

Me: Yes I can, I think I can find time

Ian: Thank you.. See you

Ian is my college bestfriend.. We're very close to each other and we call each other sisters. We often spend time in some clubs because she sings. She is a member of the collge band "Pretzels". My college years became happy with her. 

Ian, when we were about to graduate, married Blair Cox.  It's hard for her because she don't even like to be with Blair. But she can't disobey her parents.

After the graduation, she and Blair moved to Toronto and we never met again but still intached to ech other. We call once a week to tell how we are and some news about our batchmates. 

Then Leo came from the grocery store. "Why do you look so sad?" he asked.

"My friend's husband passed away" I said.

"Sorry about that... so what's your plan?" he asked.

"I'm going to Canada to visit her" I said.

"Oh... can I come?" he asked.

"Yes you can" I said.

"What do you want to eat?" he asked me. "Whatever you want" I said then he went to the kitchen.

I still don't know what will be innocent Leo will say. Ian knows my secret... I don't want to be in trouble.. I'll better tell her that she won't say anything to Leo when we got their.

It's going to be dangerous, because many of my batchmates who knows what happened might say anything. 

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