Chapter 14 - Memories from Past

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I'm in college when that secret had started.

"Hi Alison, you want to date?" Darwin, the campus hearthrob asked me.

"I don't like to date, especially if I'm going to be with you" I said.

"Don't tell me you'll be like Perry" he said.

"Perry?" I asked him.

"The girl over there. She's weird, because she always refuse in the offer of any guys" he replied.

"I will be like her rather than be with a playboy" I said..

"I'll bet you'll come with me to ask me if I'm open to date" he said.

"I'll bet I'll never do that" I said.

I never heard anything about Perry. She's just known because she have a famous brother, Timothy Sulkin. Timothy is my batch mate and we both became close friends after the basketball try outs. Well I'm hoping before that I could play in the women's team...

Before our two last years in college, Timothy asked me for a date. I don't want him to think I don't like him so I dated him. 

It's pretty obvious that everyone thinks we're in a realtionship. He's a very nice guy and I don't think he deserves to be with someone else. I don't deserve for his love.

I've been feeling so weird since I started to date Timothy... And that is my secret....

_______________Another Flashback_____________

This happened a month after our graduation......

I went to Timothy's house. 

"Hey" i said to him..

"I want you to have Taco" he said.

"Why?" I asked him..

"He better go with you" he said.

Taco is Sulkin Family's dog. I don't know what went in Tim's mind for giving me Taco.

But Taco still reminds me of my happiness, my true happiness.


Can you guess what is Alison's secret.... Just wait for the next chapter to get som hints!!!

- Zhac :)

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