Chapter 18 - Mysterious Man

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It's Blair's funeral. I just felt somethibg different when I see Ian looks calm and happy. It was weird. It's her husband but she feels that way.

When the funeral is already done, a man in black just arrived. "I'm sorry I got here late, I went here from London" the man said to Ian.

"It's okay" Ian replied. Alice is just next to me. She looks so different when she saw the man. "Are you alright?" I asked her. She's not well as I feel her hand shaked.

"Yes, I'm fine"

The man went to our way. "Hi, I'm Timothy Sulkin". We shaked hands while I replied I'm Leonardo DiCaprio.

"Nice to see you again Alice" Timothy said to Alice. I noticed Alice is just staring at him, she looks surprise and a little scared. 

"You look surprised" Timothy said to her. 


I don't know what to do right at this moment. He's here and maybe he'll say my secret. I hope he wouldn't.

"It's been years since we last saw each other" I said to Timothy. "Yeah" he replied with a smile. 

"Hey Leo, can I have some walk with Alice?" He asked Leo.  "Okay" Leo replied looking to me as he is confused.

"C'mon" Timothy said to me. "He doesn't know, right?" he said as we go on. "Of course" I said. 

"You won't say it, right?" I asked him. "I won't, I still have some respect with you" he said. "But I'm telling you, you can hide secrets but it will still be revealed" he said. 

"I know, I'm scared about the possible outcome" I replied. 

"Be careful with Ian" he said as he looked at me seriously. "Why?"

"You don't know what she can do" he said as he gave me a card. "If you need some help, call me" he added. 


I don't know what's with them. I feel something weird about it. No, I trust Alice. 

But still there's something wrong..


Late update!!! Sorry

- ZHAC :)

The First Love (Leonardo DiCaprio) [EDITING But COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now