Chapter 21 - Mystery Behind One

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Leo's POV

It's been days and I felt really strange about Ian. I don't think we can stay longer. Maybe going here is not a good idea. Maybe I can ask some question to a person I can trust, a person who became with them a few years back, Timothy. 

I went out of the house to find him. I know he belongs to this secret. He knowws everything which I can't explain. I finally found where he stays. 

He stays in a hotel. I decided to talk to him. "Can I ask you something?" I said as he gave me a cup of tea. "Yes you can" he replied as he drink from his own cup. "What happened fifteen years ago?" I asked him as he looks at me. 

"Fifteen years ago? My sister died" it's what he said. "Your sister?" I responded. "Yes, Perry" he replied as he grabs the picture from his wallet. "I saw her in a picture with Alice and Ian" I replied as I stared to Perry's face. 

"I mean, what happened to Alice and Ian?" I asked again. "All I know is that they are close friends and Ian was forced to marry Blair" Timothy answered. "Why are you asking?" he added. "In the past few days, Ian became weird" I said as I drink the tea using my right hand. 

"I can no longer answer that" Timothy said as he stand. "I'm going to a meeting with some of my clients, you better go now" Timothy said. "Thank you" I replied as I placed the cup in the edge of the table. 

I don't know what's happening around? He's getting weird like what Ian is.  

Alice's POV

My phone rang. It was Timothy. 

Alice: Hello Tim

Timothy: Leonardo went to my place and asked some questions about what happened 15 years ago. 

Alice: Did you say something?

Timothy: I said some things but I never said your secret. 

Alice: Thank you, he's not a part of that so he shouldn't know anything. 

We need to leave as soon as possible. Leo is having a lot of questions. I don't know what will happan in the both of us if he'll know a single detail about it.


This is going to be surprising


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