0. When I wasn't past

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AN: Welcome to " When a life fades away", my first ever attempt at writing a story on my own.

I hope you can enjoy this story and sorry if you find some mistakes but English is only my second language.

Ages for the story:

Ash: 20

Goh: 19


Serena: 21

Clemont: 20

Bonnie: 13

The world of Pokèmon, a place full of beautiful locations where Pokèmon and Humans live in harmony. From the countryside to the biggest city you can see them cooperate, fighting together to overcome obstacles and living at piece.

In a world like this, there are so many wonders and so much to discover about everyday.

It's no surprise that this story starts in one of these magnificent cities. Or I bet you can say that this specific city is not only magnificent but also really Marvellous.

Lumiouse City, the capital city of the Kalos region, a fancy and colourful land with one the most awesome piece of architecture but also with landscapes of inimaginable beauty and lively countries.

Lumiouse is a place that a person should visit at least once during a lifetime.

With its big streets full of local shops as well as the most important companies boutiques, it's a city that trasudes fancyness everywhere. It is also well known for its numerous parks where you can enjoy a long walk alongside your Pokemon but also relax and watch the typical awesome sunset. All along these pieces of heaven on Earth you can see vendors of the most fresh and typical bakery products of the region; from Pokèpuffs to croissant, with hot beverages and drinks, you will be always with a full stomach while crossing these green areas.

It sure is a lively city and it is no doubt that its cafès and night bars are responsible for this in a part for sure.

Kalosean people sure love to go around and meet friends in these places which are easily the most characteristic part of the region.

But You can't talk about Lumiouse without speaking of the biggest building in the region: the Prism tower, a place that always attract people from all over the world in search for the romantic landscape you can watch from the top of the tower. Lovers come to cuddle eachother at the lovely kalosean night view and this includes even their Pokèmon. When the sky is clear you can also see the light reflected by the Anistar city sundial.

The tower is also known for the great restaurants, the offices of some of the most important society in the world and of course for the Lumiouse Gym, the aim for many trainers who come here to earn a badge in their journey for the League confercence which is usually held in this same city.

For this reason there is a complex of stadiums which, from time to time hosts some of the Pokèmon World Coronation Series tournaments.

And right now, this is the case.

"It's time for the final blow Pikachu" a raven haired trainer exclames while fist bumping with his yellow rodent partner.

"Pikapi" the mouse squicks before having his partner hat put on his head.

The opponent of this duo is watching, quite shocked at such display. Being the Champion of the Kalos region and one of the strongest Champions out there, it sure is surprising to be down to the last Pokèmon, and even more knowing that your faithful Mega Gardevoir is on one knee breathing hard against a mouse commanded by a young man in his early 20's.

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