27. The sun setting on Hisui

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Welcome back to this brand-new chapter. I know it's been a while but I hope you can forgive me and my busy life.

Anyway, here I am with this chapter which is the turning point before the climax. Hope you are ready for the roller coaster. And now, see you at the bottom.

P.S: I put a video in the middle of the chapter. If you want you can read the rest of the chapter playing it. I thought of that part listening to it.

Akari was there, standing on the cold terrain, panting and breathing hard releasing vapor from her lips.

Clefable, Pikachu and Piplup were standing next to her, exhausted, and bruised, the wind whipping their fur, sharp as a blade.

From Akari's white skin, made even whiter by the symptoms of frostbite, a weak tear was making its way, increasingly cold, until it fell from her already crystallized face like a small spark of ice.

Around her, everything looked quiet until a loud roar filled the air. In the frozen land, Avalugg cried out, his body oozing its power.

Gaeric was in the rear, held by Adaman, with his skin turning paler and paler. The harsh cold he once had no problem with was now reducing his chances of surviving his wounds. Irida was as well held by Adaman, still unconscious.

The leader of the Diamond Clan had a somber look on his face: "He's about to release Avalanche" he muttered, catching Akari's attention which was instantly regained by the frenzied Pokémon.

It was accumulating energy in its mouth in the form of a sphere, a crystal blue orb that radiated a freeze so intense as to make even the Piloswine shiver.

"It's over..." proclaimed Adaman, gritting his teeth. Akari felt her body collapse from the sudden loss, leaving only her nerves to keep her body bound.

During that exact moment, while the beast was about to unleash its finishing bowl, everyone felt a strong, hot wind pass through them, and a yellow bolt fell from the sky and crashed vehemently into Avalugg's head with a silver tail, smashing the Frenzied Noble as well as its attack. The loud crash generated shockwaves and a crack in the permafrosted terrain.

The beast let out a mighty roar, agony in its eyes, blood spluttering from its mouth with saliva.

The impact sent everyone to the ground. Akari heavily recoiled and was sent flying some meters away but, instead of hitting the ground, was caught by a soft fabric hugging her.

She turned around and her eyes met Ash's who had caught her and was holding her on the back of a Braviary.

She was so stunned that she didn't say anything, staring only into his eyes, until a few tears began to dwell in her glimmering eyes. In order not to show her weakness, she closed her eyes, but Ash was already staring at her without saying a word.

Braviary landed in front of everyone, and Ash lifted Akari up bridal style making her red as a tomato, before directing his gaze to the Noble Pokémon and Pikachu who was waiting for his trainer to end his triumphal entrance with his paws crossed and stomping his tiny foot on the ground impatiently.

"Yes, you did well Buddy!" Ash commented sassily to which Pikachu sobbed. His best friend was a dumb idiot.

Adaman was astonished: he knew the boy was strong, but this exceeded all expectations.

Then he noticed something: both Ash and Pikachu were panting a bit like they were consuming energy at the same time.

The Kantionan's gaze became more serious as he started a conversation with Pikachu telepathically:

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