11. Ash's World

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Welcome to another chapter... I wanted to say something but Holy Fuck, what the hell was that opening!? Paul is coming back, so it is Greninja. I have no words. WOW.

Well, that said, let's get started.

For Ash the intrusion was a surprise. He didn't understand why she was here, but he was glad.

He was glad because. Even if he wasn't the most empathetic person in the world, he could sense people's character to some extent, and he thought that this girl was not a cruel and bad person, but she hid a good and caring nature.

"What do you mean?" asked Ash to interrupt the uncomfortable silence.

"I'm asking if I can stay here with you. I have my Pokémon with me."

"You have a Pokémon?!" asked a very surprised Ash.

Akari showed him her wooden Poké ball. From that a little female Pikachu appeared. Her tail was shaped like a heart.

Ash's Pikachu squeaked happily, coming close to the new Pokémon.

"So you have a female Pikachu, haven't you?"

"How do you know it is a female?" inquired Akari?

"Well, look at the tail. It's different from my Pikachu's tail. He's a male so yours is a female" exclaimed thre boy.

Akari was reflecting on the new notions but was brought out of her trance when she saw Ash kneeling to greet her Pikachu.

"Wait Ash, it will zap you!"

Ash raised his gaze meeting Akari's eyes which clearly showed worry. He smiled: "No need to worry Akari, she's a sweet one, I can see"

Akari stuttered... Has he just said her own catchphrase?

She saw Ash, greeting her Pikachu, caressing her on the head and then stroking her tail, earning a delightful coo.

Then he extended both his arms and the two Pikachu climbed them and took spot on Ash's shoulders.

"You two go along very well, I can see!" chuckled the boy.

"How did you do that?!" asked an awestruck Akari.

"Did what?"

"Earn Pikachu's trust so easily? It seems so happy" asked Akari, feeling a little jealous.

"I only trusted her and showed myself like I would do with a person. Pokémon can sense a person feelings."

The girl was once again speechless.

"Come on. I'm going to sit again. Wanna come?"

Akari nodded and took a gaze at the camp settled by Ash.

"How did you do all of that alone? There is also a wooden pot to boil water!"

"I wasn't alone, I've already told you. My Pokémon are with me."

Ash sat again watching the sky, now with two Pikachu on his lap and Greninja next to him.

Akari smiled again. It was becoming common for her to smile watching Ash. She noticed some leaves in a nearby bush. She thought she could make some tea for her and Ash. The boy didn't even notice she wasn't there, so engaged in the conversation with the three Pokémon like he was.


Sycamore's phone rang.

The Kalosian professor was very drowsy that morning. Even after his morning coffee, he couldn't stop yawning.

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