37. The battle for the Time

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Welcome back to “When a life fades away”. It’s time for the final showdown. Hope you are prepared.
Let’s get started.

The scenery was desolated. The once Temple of Sinnoh now was razed to the ground. A brilliant light was engulfing the area as Dialga was emanating its power. The space-time rift which caused everything in the first place was still there, shaking with energy, the instability of the space-time fabric causing a huge amount of energy to be released in the form of thunders, the ones that had caused the Noble Pokémon to go on a rampage. The sky showed all colors but its usual blue. The air was thin as the altitude was great. The entire world was waiting for the clash that would decide the destiny of everyone and everything.
“Greninja! Let’s get stronger!” shouted Ash, raising his fist as Greninja was surrounded by a vortex of water only to reappear as Ash-Greninja one more time, his power raised thanks to the mysterious bond phenomenon.
With a quick glance, Ash nodded to Lucario, signaling him to be ready if the time came. Growlithe was also assuming a battle stance, while Braviary was focusing his psychic powers to be at the sharpest.
Finally, there was Pikachu. he didn’t need any order. He knew exactly what to do.
Dialga roared, sending gusts of energy through the pavement in concentric spheres. The energy propagated through the floor and everyone had to jump, with the exception of Volo who seemed immune to it.
Ash turned his gaze to some rocks at the end of the flooring and was stunned to see the rocks crumble like they were paper under the sheer power of Dialga’s aura.
“Be careful everyone to jump when you see that aura!” advised the trainer to his Pokémon.
Pikachu leaped forward, his speed in top shape as Quick Attack didn’t land. Pikachu was moving away each time the mouse found an opening to get closer. Growlithe seemed confused.
Greninja shot a barrage of Water Shurikens while Braviary was distracting the deity by spamming Psychic only to throw rocks in the direction of Dialga’s eyes.
Dialga was moving at lightning speed, teleporting back and forth on the battlefield and releasing its aura waves. Pikachu, Greninja and Braviary had a hard time to keep up especially when the massive creature started to spam Flash Cannon in the air to hit Braviary. Suddenly it stopped and charged another attack, summoning energy from its mouth.
“It’s Dragon Pulse!” commented Ash, realizing that it was aiming at Pikachu.
“Pikachu! Full power now! Charge your strongest Thunderbolt!!!”; Pikachu started to glow, a rainbow aura surrounding him as Braviary flew down to catch the Mouse Pokémon from the ground and lift him before the aura waves could hit him while he was focusing his energy.
Greninja came forward, using Cut as skis on the pavement to get closer and shoot Water Shuriken at the rampaging creature.
“SHOOT NOW! MY PUPPET!” commanded Volo, his demeanor morphing into complete madness.
The Time being released its mighty Dragon Pulse, so strong to have its own gravity since rocks and pebbles were attracted to it.
“Now Pikachu!” The mouse Pokémon jumped from Braviary’s back and released a powerful Thunderbolt, stronger three times a normal Thunderbolt. The attacks clashed, exploding and creating a cloud of dust.
Once settled the two Pokémon stood there, waiting for more chaos to ensue.
“So Ash, too scared for a real confrontation? Your Pokémon seem all too fearful to actually try and hit my slave!” proclaimed with amusement Volo, his face contorting in a malicious grin.
Ash gritted his teeth at the taunt before breathing calmly.
As Akari gazed into the shimmering depths of Cogita's crystal ball, her eyes widened with a mixture of shock and fear. The swirling visions within the mystical orb painted a surreal picture of the unfolding chaos, revealing the battle between Ash and the mighty Dialga under the sinister command of Volo.
Her heart felt all emotions at once: profound disbelief for the revelation, hatred for Volo, fear for Ash and reverence for the creature that controlled time.
The crystal ball acted as a window to a world gripped by turmoil, and as Akari watched, her heart pounded with a sense of helplessness. The scenes played out like a nightmarish tableau, and the realization that Ash was at the center of this maelstrom filled her with dread.
Every clash of powers, every roar of Dialga, and every determined stance of Ash echoed through the enchanted globe, creating a vivid tapestry of a battle that transcended the boundaries of time. It was a spectacle both awe-inspiring and terrifying, and Akari, separated by the veil of magical vision, could only bear witness to the unfolding drama.
Her hands clutched the edges of the crystal ball, a silent plea for Ash's safety echoing in her thoughts. The connection she felt with him, forged through shared experiences and unspoken bonds, intensified the fear that gripped her heart. In that moment, the distance between them seemed insurmountable, and the desperation to reach out and shield him from harm welled up within her.
Cogita, standing beside Akari, observed the turmoil in the girl's eyes. "He's strong, dear. Stronger than you can imagine. The threads of fate are in motion, and your Ash is in the midst of a battle that will shape the destiny of Hisui," she spoke, her voice carrying a comforting yet enigmatic tone.
Yet, as the battle raged on within the crystal ball, Akari couldn't shake the fear that clenched her heart. Her connection with Ash, once a source of warmth and joy, now became a fragile thread linking her to a world embroiled in turmoil. In that moment, she could only hope and pray that the strength she saw in Ash would be enough to withstand the storm that threatened to engulf him.
The revelation hit Ash like a thunderbolt. As the chaotic battle against Dialga unfolded, the realization that Volo, the seemingly innocuous merchant, was the puppet master behind the turmoil in Hisui left him in shock. The pieces of the puzzle clicked into place, forming a disturbing image of manipulation and deceit.
His mind raced, connecting the dots between the mysterious artifacts, the disturbances in time, and Volo's insidious role in the grand design. The merchant's true motives, hidden behind a façade of trivial commerce, had been unveiled in the most dramatic fashion.
Staring at Volo, who reveled in the chaos he had orchestrated, Ash's eyes reflected a mix of disbelief and determination. The maniacal grin on Volo's face only intensified, a macabre dance of satisfaction at the unfolding spectacle.
Amidst the chaos and the clash of powers, Ash found himself confronting not only a powerful Pokémon but also the sinister mind behind the upheaval in the Hisui region. The weight of responsibility bore down on him, a realization that he was not merely a bystander but a central figure in a battle that transcended time itself.
The boy clenched his fists: “So it was you all along! So you were the masked figure who attacked us. So you killed that Rei guy! Why? How do you own a gun?!” cried the Pallettonian trainer, rage fueling his speech. Pikachu shot a glance at him, quietly nodding at him while still doing those strange Quick Attacks that never connected. Ash noticed it. Now he would counterattack.
“Why isn’t Ash attacking?” Akari was growing restless as she saw the boy filled with tension and his Pokémon not landing direct hits to the beast. Dialga was still launching its aura waves.
Cogita, her eyes fixated on the scenes unfolding within the crystal ball, gradually deciphered the subtle movements in Ash's strategy. As the battle between Ash and Dialga raged on, she sensed the underlying brilliance of Ash's plan, an attempt to seek a weak point in the temporal deity's defenses.
"He's not aiming for a direct confrontation," Cogita murmured, her gaze narrowing with a newfound understanding. "Ash is searching for a vulnerability in Dialga, a chink in the armor of time itself."
Akari, still gripped by a mixture of fear and awe, turned to Cogita, her eyes seeking guidance. "What can Ash do against something so powerful? How can he find a weak point in Dialga?"
Cogita's response carried the weight of wisdom as she explained, "Dialga, mighty as it may be, is still under the control of the Red Chain. Ash, with his keen intuition and understanding of Pokémon, is searching for a way to break it. It's a risky endeavor, but if anyone can do it, it's him."
As the battle continued to unfold within the crystal ball, Akari found herself entranced by the intricate dance between Ash and Dialga. Each movement, every decision, became a delicate interplay of strategy and intuition. The threads of fate, woven together in this cosmic clash, held the destiny of Hisui in precarious balance.
Outside the crystal ball's enchanting glow, the desolate landscape surrounding the ruins of the Temple of Sinnoh bore witness to the unfolding drama. The clash between Pokémon and the deity, orchestrated by the hand of destiny, painted a surreal tableau against the canvas of Hisui's fate.
That fateful morning Serena had woken up early. The joy of the night before was still making her heart swim in so much bliss. For years she had kept those feelings, without knowing if they would at last be reciprocated. For nights during the Kalos journey she had spent nights awake, thinking about when, how and where to confess her feelings. So many times she had been taunted by Miette. It was when she let go of the thought that she found the strength to in a way confess her feelings. That goodbye, the elevator leading to her flight with the company “Latias Airline” which would take her to the Hoenn region, ending her journey with Ash. She couldn’t tell him the role he had in her self-discovery. The drive, the passion he had shown her during his many battles was now the same she felt for performances, for putting her own persona on the line to be a model and for people to take strength and a smile from her exhibitions. She couldn’t tell out loud that she had left home only because of him. Only because she had seen him after years after the Summer Camp risking his life in the most stupid way possible by jumping off Prism Tower to save his Pikachu.
But she could give him something to remember her like he did with that handkerchief when they were only kids. She ran back on the stairs, leaning forward, and kissed him. She left for Hoeen free from her worries. Now it was on him. They made a promise to see each other again and that she would have been a more charming person for him. And now, he had reciprocated.
With all the serotonin she had in her blood, she couldn’t sleep. But also, she had to pay a visit to Goh and Dawn, who were still in the hospital. She had been discharged surprisingly easily considering she probably was the most battered among the trio.
The sun was warm that day, shadows projecting their shapes as the morning dew wet the lawns that lined the promenade in Hearthome. She would have sighed in relief but she knew this wasn’t anything but the calm before the storm. She soon approached the white tall building where she was about to have some surprises.
Suddenly Ash’s Pokémon suspended their attacks, all coming near their trainer. Volo was unfazed, blinded by the power of Dialga.
“So, now you see that you can’t win!” proclaimed with a burst of maniacal laughter the once innocuous merchant.
“Okay, everybody! Let’s stick with the plan!” proclaimed the boy, rising his fist. Pikachu and everyone else leaped forward. Dialga fired another wave of aura pulses. Geninja was ready for this. He threw a barrage of Water Shurikens to the ground, with great timing in order to intercept Dialga’s attack and open a path for the other Pokémon to pass through and get closer. Braviary swiftly moved in the air, using Air Slash to counter Dialga’s Flash Cannons. Lucario was on his back to help him with Aura Sphere. Flash Cannon would overpower them if they didn’t cooperate.
Growlithe was using Raging Fury, not aiming at the Temporal deity but only running around the battlefield.
Dialga was now teleporting back and forth all around the place, so Growlithe’s maneuver was aimed to slow down the beast and maybe burning it.
Finally, Pikachu was using Quick Attack and Thunderbolt. He wanted to obtain “Thunder Armor” again to isolate his paws from the rising temperature of the battlefield and then strike at the right moment.
Dialga suddenly unleashed a more powerful Flash Cannon and after that, he charged a massive Draco Meteor. Meteors came falling from the sky, impacting the top of the Mountain and sending shockwaves all around it. Pikachu stepped on a small rock, causing him to lose equilibrium and almost fall to the ground at the exact moment another blast of Aura waves was summoned by the roaring deity.
Luckily for him, Greninja was able to jump forward and catch the falling mouse but the entire plan failed. Growlithe was hit by the waves now that Greninja couldn’t protect him and Braviary couldn’t counter Flash Cannon. He had to flee away, while Lucario jumped away but was hit by one falling meteor.
In a second two of Ash’s Pokémon were already out for the count, with the Kantonian trainer recalling them to their Pokéballs in order to avoid any more damage.
“Do you really think I didn’t notice your attempts to find a weak point to shatter the Red Chain?” laughed the hysterical blonde guy. Ash gritted his teeth, his comrades now by his side.
“You won’t have your way to deceive my plans. I will pulverize you with utter destructive, unbelievable power! DIALGA! ROAR OF TIME!”

Leon and Sonia were hurrying back to Wyndon where Professor Magnolia was checking on Eternatus after the events of the Darkest Day and after Goh had decided to let Leon have the strange creature.
The older Professor had contacted her niece to warn her of a strange phenomenon that was causing Eternatus energy to skyrocket and the level of Galar particles in the area to rise drastically.
Sonia’s car was approaching the laboratory as all of a sudden, sirens were heard and the roof of the building got blasted away y a beam of energy. Eternatus flew away from it, leaving a trail of Galar particles in the air before being surrounded by a red beam like a Poké ball which made it disappear.
When they entered, they found all the scientists knocked out and Magnolia laying over a pool of blood coming from her head.
“How is it possible?” asked a stunned Goh. Never he’d thought that Serena would be completely healed within these so few days.
He was still in bed, his broken leg recovering but still aching. “I honestly don’t know but I feel amazing and I don’t even need painkillers!” she happily replied, even if she was sorry for Goh and Dawn who were still hurt after the fight on top of Spear Pillar.
“That’s incredible. There’s no scientific explanation for something like it” commented a dumbfounded Clemont, adjusting his glasses.
The young inventor had stayed in the hospital for almost every possible moment to check on Dawn and Goh. Brock had gone grocery shopping since Goh would be discharged in a few days.
Serena went on telling the others about her meeting with Ash, omitting a certain fact but reassuring them that their friend was still out there and was now ready to face the final challenge.
“I’m happy to hear that” commented Clemont, a serious expression on his face while cleaning his glasses with a cloth, “but in short, this is a failure for us…”
Serena’s happy mood dropped. She had thought about it too many times in these days.
“We set out to help Ash and we only obtained an injured Celebi, a dead Dialga, and who knows what all of this matters to the threat lingering on us” completed the sentence the blonde inventor.
Maybe he was right. Goh stepped up: “Now we can’t think about it. We can only recover and do something else. A way to that cloaked man must exist. He can’t be completely disappeared.”
“Mhh, maybe, we are not his target” Clemont retorted scratching his neck.
A loud shout was heard from another room. The trio looked at each other: “That was Dawn!”
Dialga, perched majestically atop Spear Pillar, became a living embodiment of temporal mastery. Its massive frame dominated the sacred space, bathed in an otherworldly glow that intensified with each passing moment.
The atmosphere crackled with energy as Dialga harnessed the essence of time itself. The skies above seemed to bow to its celestial might, swirling with hues that mirrored the grandeur of the cosmos. Ash, surrounded by his steadfast Pokémon, stood there, feeling to have failed before even trying.
Dialga's eyes, radiant orbs that mirrored the cosmos, blazed with an intensity that transcended mortal comprehension. The very air pulsated with anticipation as the legendary Pokémon prepared to unleash the Roar of Time. It was a spectacle that transcended the boundaries of mere battle, evolving into a cosmic opera where the actors were forces that shaped the very fabric of existence.
And then, with a resounding roar that echoed through the heavens, Dialga unleashed the Roar of Time. The sound wasn't merely an auditory sensation but a seismic force, shaking the foundations of Spear Pillar. A dazzling cascade of lights erupted, forming a vortex of temporal energy that spiraled outward like a celestial whirlwind.
The Roar of Time manifested as undulating waves of shimmering distortions, each pulse a testament to Dialga's dominion over the flow of time. The very summit of Spear Pillar became a transcendent stage where past, present, and future converged in a breathtaking display of cosmic power.
As the Roar of Time reached its zenith, the fabric of reality itself seemed to bow to Dialga's command. The skies above twisted and contorted, revealing the profound influence the legendary Pokémon exerted over the very nature of existence. In that pivotal moment, Spear Pillar stood as a nexus between the mortal realm and the cosmic forces that shaped destiny, with Dialga as the master of ceremonies, orchestrating the symphony of time itself.
As Ash watched helplessly the mighty creature gathering energy, he looked at his right arm where the Lucky charm Akari had made him for Christmas was.  He remembered the gentle girl, her only true friend here, how sad their departure was. But he also remembered how she was getting more and more in touch with her nature and with Pokémon. He couldn’t let this world vanish. He had to pull through. He then saw the pink ribbon Serena had given him not more than 12 hours ago. He was reminded of their kiss, of her traits, the way she cheered him on and pushed him to not give up. He would fulfill his promise and come back to his friends, Pokémon and he would do it for her.
Pikachu cried from his spot, alerting the boy with his determination to take thoughts into action. Ash saw his Z-Ring glowing and knew it was time for his trump card.
“All right! Greninja, Braviary, be ready!” called out the trainer.
He then put his hat on Pikachu and then the duo struck their pose: “Stronger than a Thunderbolt!
“Pikaaaa!” replied the mouse, glowing with a golden aura.
“Very much stronger, that’s our full power!” answered Ash, his hands forward as if throwing a blast himself.
“PIKAPIKAPIKAPIKA CHUUUU PIKAAAA!!!” Pikachu unleashed the Z-move, thunders of all colors scattering from his tiny body. At that exact moment, Dialga roared one last time and threw its mighty Roar of Time.
The clash between Dialga's Roar of Time and Pikachu's Z-Move, the "Ten Million Volts Thunderbolt," unfolded in a cataclysmic spectacle that defied the laws of nature. The very fabric of space and time seemed to shudder as these two immense forces collided atop Spear Pillar.
Dialga's Roar of Time, a tempest of temporal energy, surged forth with cosmic might. The undulating waves of distorted time threatened to reshape the very reality around them. It was a force that resonated with the heartbeat of the universe itself.
As Pikachu released the "Ten Million Volts Thunderbolt," a torrent of electric energy burst forth, weaving through the fabric of Dialga's Roar of Time. The clash of these titanic forces created an explosion of light and sound that painted the skies above Spear Pillar in hues of electric blue and cosmic silver.
The very ground quivered beneath the magnitude of their collision. Sparks danced in the air, and the roars of Dialga and the crackling thunder from Pikachu's assault harmonized into a symphony of cosmic proportions. It was a clash not just of power but of the fundamental elements that governed the universe.
For a moment that stretched into eternity, time itself seemed to hang suspended. The clash became a tableau frozen in the annals of history, a testament to the indomitable spirit of a Pokémon Trainer and his loyal partner standing against the currents of fate.
“Greninja, now Water Shuriken at full power!” commanded Ash, grinning and moving in sync with the Frog Pokémon.
“Oh, you won’t” laughed maniacally Volo, unclipping one of his Pokéballs.
Bonnie was sitting at Professor Sycamore’s lab. Alain was long gone, together with Mairin.
“Bonnie, we have news from Steven Stone!” came calling the handsome kalosian professor.
The young girl jolted forward, Frogadier and Dedenne coming with her.
She arrived to see Sycamore sitting in front of his computer: “What does it say?” she asked.
“Well… Putain de merde” he exclaimed with no control; “he says that the crystals show no imbuement of temporal energy. They’re not related to Dialga or Celebi but they show particles that are not from this world. To make it short: they grew because of Hoopa’s activity of bringing something or someone to another dimension!”
“What does that mean?”
“I honestly don’t know,” remarked the now full of thoughts professor, much to Bonnie’s dismay.
As Volo was about to throw the Pokéball, an Air Slash hit him, making him fall to the ground. From below another Braviary made its way and on its back none other than Professor Laventon and Adaman. The Galarian professor landed and pointed a gun at Volo.
Ash was shocked but couldn’t distract himself.
“Did you think I couldn’t replicate your weapon my way?” smirked the once wimp; “Now, don’t make a single move.”
Adaman hurried: “Come on Ash, Stop the Almighty Sinnoh!”
Ash focused once more, his bond with Greninja giving the Frog Pokémon the energy to prepare one giant Shuriken and then throw it, aiming for the deity.
The move collided with Dialga’s feet, this angered the Pokémon who threw another Draco Meteor.
This time Braviary and Greninja, now helped by the other Braviary and Adaman’s Leafeon, Umbreon and Vaporeon were able to dash to the meteors and destroy them before they could land and destabilize the ground once more.
Dialga noticed it but had not enough energy to unleash another attack while controlling Roar of Time.
Ash took the moment and shouted to Pikachu: “NOOOW!”
With even more power than before, Pikachu collected electricity, his bond with Ash giving him the energy to outpower Dialga.
Roar of Time broke into tiny fragments as Thunderbolt pierced through it, finally colliding with Dialga’s body. Its cry echoed through the whole Hisui and dark smoke enveloped its body, only the Red Chain faintly glowing.
“Now Greninja!” ordered Ash. As the Ninja’s eyes sparked with focus, he created a blade and leaped forward into the smoke.
The sound of a blade shattering a piece of rock was heard as the dust settled and a red light glowed once more before dimming.
Pikachu landed, his breath hard as Ash came closer to him and he hugged the tiny mouse, shielding him from the explosion. Greninja jumped back only an instant before that.
As the dust settled, Volo had a shocked face. How could it be possible? Was it already over?
he aftermath of the intense battle left a profound stillness atop Spear Pillar. Dialga, once the mighty master of time, now lay peacefully, its colossal form transformed into a more serene state, as if the weight of eons had been temporarily lifted. The rift in the sky, a chaotic tear in the fabric of reality, dissolved into the azure expanse, signaling the restoration of natural order.
In the quiet aftermath, Ash approached the subdued Dialga with Pikachu by his side. Their steps echoed through the stillness of the peak, a testament to the gravity of the moment. With careful precision, Ash took out the Origin Ball, a relic of ancient power designed to quell the mightiest of beings. The capture unfolded in a dance of cosmic energy, the ball shaking three times before the tranquility of a successful capture settled upon them.
Dialga, now encapsulated within the Origin Ball, was free from the machinations that had manipulated its power. The ball, held securely in Ash's grasp, symbolized not just a victory but a commitment to safeguarding the delicate balance of the world.
The sky, once torn by the tumultuous energy of Dialga, transitioned from chaotic hues to a serene blue. The once malevolent rift was replaced by the pure expanse of the heavens, a canvas untouched by the strife that had unfolded moments ago.
As Ash caught his breath, his gaze turned toward Adaman and Laventon, who had successfully subdued Volo. The sinister merchant, whose ambitions had driven the region to the brink of chaos, now found himself bound by the threads of justice, his nefarious plans thwarted.
The Pokémon, too, bore the marks of the battle. Braviary and Greninja, Ash's steadfast companions, approached him with a mixture of weariness and loyalty. Their forms radiated an aura of exhaustion, earned through the trials they had faced together.
In the stillness that followed, the restored peace permeated the once-sacred space of the Temple of Sinnoh. The air, now purified, carried a sense of renewal. Ash, standing at the epicenter of this cosmic drama, felt the weight of responsibility lift from his shoulders. The journey that had brought him to the summit of the Temple of Sinnoh had been arduous, but the outcome spoke of resilience, friendship, and the unwavering spirit of a Pokémon Trainer.
With a final, lingering gaze at the now-calm skies, Ash exhaled deeply, as if releasing the tension that had gripped his very being. It was over, and the Hisui region could now rebuild, its fate no longer dictated by the chaotic whims of the subjugated Dialga.
With an elated grin, Ash extended his fist forward, a silent invitation for Pikachu and Greninja to join in a triumphant fist bump. Pikachu, his eyes sparkling with satisfaction, hopped onto Ash's shoulder and delivered an electrifying jolt to the gesture. Greninja, not to be left out, leaped gracefully to meet Ash's fist, a testament to the unbreakable bond they had cultivated throughout their journey.
The trio, now united in both victory and friendship, couldn't contain their joy. Laughter bubbled up from deep within them, echoing against the remnants of the once-turbulent battlefield. Pikachu, Greninja, Braviary and Ash, caught in the euphoria of the moment, shared a group hug—an embrace that transcended the language barriers between species.
For a brief moment, the weight of the world lifted, replaced by the simple joy of overcoming adversity together. In the midst of the Hisui region's sacred ruins, where legends and myths intertwined with reality, Ash and his Pokémon reveled in the satisfaction of having quelled a cosmic threat.
As they stood there, Pikachu on Ash's shoulder and Greninja by his side, the bond between Trainer and Pokémon radiated with a warmth that went beyond the mystical powers they had harnessed.
In the serene aftermath, Ash shared a grateful smile with his Pokémon, acknowledging the shared journey that had brought them to this pinnacle. It was a moment etched in the annals of their adventures, a memory that would serve as a beacon of resilience whenever the challenges of the Pokémon world beckoned anew.
“GAHH” a strangled scream was heard and then the sound of a body falling to the ground.
Ash’s petrified gaze moved to Laventon’s body falling to the ground as a bullet hit the professor in the middle of his belly.
A small, dark portal appeared, the wind intensifying once more as a hooded figure holding a gun appeared from it. In a split second, Volo was freed, and the shape of Roaring Moon came into vision.
“No…” Ash uttered, his expression contorted with agony.

“DAWN, ARE YOU ALL RIGHT?!” shouted the group of Serena, Goh and Clemont as they slammed open her room’s door, alerted by her shout.
Dawn laid there, sat on her bed, her blue hair all messed up, her hands holding her sweating forehead.
She turned around to face them, the light entering from the window obscuring her features.
They didn’t notice her red eyes and the panic exuding her face: “I saw him…”
“Who?” asked a confused Serena.
“The man who killed Dialga… I saw him…”
“What?” exclaimed Clemont.
“I have to tell Ash…” she whispered.
“How?” commented drily Goh.
She jumped on foot, barely standing since her legs were sore after days spent in bed. She raised her head: “ I MUST TELL ASH!” she screamed, all her strength in that shout.
She kneeled on the floor and cupped her head, letting out sobs…
No one didn’t know what was wrong with Dawn. Who could this man be to scare so much the brave Dawn?
“It’s him…” she said while crying.

And Cut!
That’s it for today. Hope you liked it. Leave a comment as reviews make my heart lighter.
Until next time,
See ya

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