5. Whispers

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Welcome to this new chapter. I needed this to set up something and also to give you a clarification about Dawn and Serena's feelings before going back to the main action. With that said, see ya at the bottom.

Numbness was the only thing that accompanied Ash's body when he started to awaken.

He had a lot of things passing his mind at that time.

How had he fallen in such a slumber? Why did he feel his body aching so much?

Why can't he open his eyes or speak?

He decided to listen. He listened to what was happening outside his world. He heard voices. One was Pikachu, the other one Greninja. The last one seemed a girl... It sounded like Dawn but not quite. He then noticed from his eyelid a source of light slowly fading, so he supposed it was the sunset. He waited until he started to feel his body coming to him. He felt it and opened his eyes.

It was night. On top of his body a blanket and a yellow rodent curled up on top of it.

Greninja was sleeping against a wall with arms folded.

Then there was the girl, asleep on a chair with her head on the bed Ash was laying.

The boy observed his surroundings.

The room he was in was the definitely the girl's house.

Next to the bed was a fireplace with a warm fire crackling. Then he saw a bowl with some other littler bowls inside. He thought it was some kind of sink. Over it, there were some shelves with satchel of what Ash imagined as berries, roots and other kind of foods. Near the door he caught a glimpse of two opened large trunks and one gigantic flagon.

There weren't decorations or anything, but Ash thought that it was a comfortable place.

The untidiness was clearly something familiar for Ash.

Pikachu began to stir, and Ash proceeded to shut him before the yellow mouse could shout and reveal everyone that he was awake.

Greninja, being a light sleeper, heard the little scuffle and stood, revealing himself to his trainer.

Ash put his index finger on his mouse to warn them to be quiet and motioned them to follow him outside.

He got off the bed, making sure not to awake the young Dawn clone, and swiftly went outside with his partners.

His body was hurting as he was not used anymore to moving.

When he was outside, he saw Infernape standing by the door.

"Hey, Infernape? Are you okay" asked the trainer?

Infernape saw him and was about to erupt on cheering, but Pikachu stopped him.

He was glad to see the man who stopped him and also protected him in front of the village.

Finally, Ash noticed that he was shirtless and that only a bandage covered the spot Ash got hit by the arrow.

Fortunately, Greninja had noticed it before and had brought outside his shirt, much to the Pallettonian trainer's relief.

Ash took his shirt and pulled it on but then was finally tackled by his Pokèmon plus Infernape in a giant hug.

"Pikapiiii!!" cried his number one partner, followed by Greninja and a shyer Infernape.

It was understandable. Infernape used to see humans as hostile and never friends, but this boy changed it.

Ash shared that comforting hug for some minutes, feeling a lot better just from the affections his friends were giving him.

They spoke for a bit, and Pikachu proceeded to explain everything which happened after the incident: how the people were horrified, how Akari took care of him with a man called Laventon, how everyone looked scared when Pikachu and Greninja defended him and how Infernape decided to take guard in front of the house to avoid people to come by and try to harm Ash or his Pokèmon.

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