19. Darkness in Alola

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Hi everyone and sorry for the delay but university is coming stronger for me and I also started a new job. Anyway, here we are with the longest chapter so far and I feel like we are setting everything for the great climax. Hope You all like what I've in store.

Serena stood there, her hand clutched to her blue ribbon, the one Ash had given her all those years ago.

She had finally met him. It was brief, not flawless, but unique.

It had happened when they were not on the same timeline. Like the blissful memory it had created, it floated in the middle of time. They spoke for a bit, they yearned for each other. Then they danced. With no music. On their own rhythm... And they nearly kissed... She was sure. Ash knew what the kiss at the escalator meant.

Her heart couldn't stop pounding in her chest. Her cheeks refused to return to their usual color.

She sighed. She had seen Ash again. He was the same Ash. It was brief, not like that sunset moment at Lilycove Harbour.

That moment was unexpected. They only said what they were aiming for. Motivating each other as they had always done. While the ship separated them, they exchanged glances and promised to meet again. But then everything happened. And they met again. In a strange way. But this time it was less brief than the other and they were alone. Now Serena wanted him back again. With her.

Sylveon felt the same way about a yellow sassy yet caring mouse.

Serena wanted to feel the same freedom she had felt and also make sure that everything she was feeling wasn't only a dream.

With the moon still high in the sky, she made an impulsive decision. She took off her clothes and jumped into the crystalline water of Lake Acuity. Sylveon followed her while Delphox collected all the pieces of clothing scattered by her insane trainer. But she understood her.

Serena remerged from the water, her hair wet, her pale skin reflecting the moonlight. She had a blast.

She took a short bath before starting to shiver, and Delphox asked her to cover her naked body before getting sick.

The girl accepted and sat in front of the fire, her eyes still glimmering at the blissful thoughts wandering in her mind.

................ ............................ ............................. ................................... ...............................................

Being chased in the middle of the night by an electric-type Pokémon is a not-so-good thing, right? Well, no, if you're being chased by your best friend.

That was the situation in which was Ash after taunting Pikachu about a certain Sylveon. Of course, it all started with a sassy mouse making kissing faces at his trainer, but the end was fascinating. After running around the lake, Ash was also running low on energy and so he made the most stupid decision a man could take when it came to electricity: jump into the water. With a loud splash of water, Ash chose his faith.

Pikachu stopped his chase. His trainer sometimes could be such an idiot.

When Ash came out of the water, his clothes were drenched in water

Ash extended his arm to Pikachu: "Peace?" he said with a goofy smile. Pikachu reciprocated the gesture, not facing Ash. While still holding hands, Pikachu's serious expression turned into a devil smirk. The boy didn't have time to react and was zapped. Pikachu laughed before being tackled to the ground by a soot-covered Ash who started to tickle him.

They laughed, they talked, and then they rested.

Ash had a short moment to think about this night. He had seen Serena again, since that brief moment at the dock in Lilycove. After the boat had sailed, he had stayed there watching the dock until the only thing he could see was only darkness and the reflection of the stars on the blue sea surface.

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