33. Final Blocks

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Welcome back and sorry for the delay. I'm next to the master's degree and I had hard months.

Anyway, we are ready to start again with a difficult chapter. Did you remember what happened last time? Did I remember?

Just kidding.

Let's start

The freezing winds howled across the desolate landscape of Lake Acuity, nestled in the northern reaches of Hisui. Ash and his steadfast Pokémon companions, Pikachu, Greninja, Hisuian Braviary, and Growlithe, now joined by Lucario, braved the icy terrain in search of the legendary guardian of knowledge, Uxie.

Their footfalls crunched against the freshly fallen snow, leaving faint imprints as they advanced toward the center of the frozen lake. The air was bitingly cold, each breath forming a frosty mist that dissipated into the wintry expanse. Undeterred by the frigid temperatures, Ash and his team pressed on, their hearts ablaze with determination.

Lake Acuity stretched out before them, a serene and frozen masterpiece. The pristine ice sparkled under the pale moonlight, reflecting the stars above. The stillness of the surroundings was broken only by the occasional crack of ice underfoot and the distant howls of the wind.

Following their intuition, Ash and his Pokémon cautiously made their way toward the heart of the lake, where a shimmering cave nestled within a massive glacier awaited them. Its entrance emanated an ethereal glow, hinting at the presence of the enigmatic Uxie.

As they stepped into the cavern, a rush of frigid air greeted them, causing their breath to hitch in their throats. The walls, adorned with intricate ice formations, glistened with an otherworldly beauty. The atmosphere grew hushed as if the cave itself held its breath in anticipation.

Deeper into the icy depths they ventured, guided by an invisible force that seemed to pull them forward. Finally, they arrived in a vast chamber where Uxie, the guardian of knowledge, awaited. Its piercing gaze exuded an ancient wisdom, sending a shiver down Ash's spine.

Ash approached Uxie, his voice steady but filled with reverence. "Uxie, guardian of knowledge, I seek your guidance and ask to prove my worth. Grant me the privilege of obtaining the Draco Plate."

Uxie regarded Ash and his team with an inscrutable expression, assessing their determination and thirst for knowledge. In response, it raised a psychic barrier, challenging Ash to a battle of wits and skill.

Ash understood the unspoken invitation. He glanced at Pikachu, his most trusted partner, and a silent understanding passed between them. It was time for Pikachu to demonstrate their deep bond and showcase Ash's profound knowledge on the battlefield.

Pikachu stepped forward, electricity crackling at his cheeks, ready to face the test laid before them. The air became charged with anticipation as Uxie and Pikachu locked eyes, each one brimming with resolve.

Without hesitation, Pikachu darted forward with blinding speed, utilizing his Quick Attack to close the distance between them in an instant. Uxie responded with a graceful side-step, evading Pikachu's attack effortlessly. The legendary Pokémon's movements were fluid and calculated, a testament to its mastery over knowledge.

Undeterred, Pikachu unleashed a powerful Thunderbolt, tendrils of lightning cascading toward Uxie. But the legendary Pokémon swiftly erected a psychic shield, deflecting the electric onslaught with ease. Uxie's eyes glowed with an aura of wisdom, displaying its innate understanding of the battlefield.

Realizing the need for a different approach, Ash strategized on the fly. "Pikachu, use Electroweb to create a web of electricity and slow down Uxie's movements!"

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