13: Time to space

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Welcome to chapter 14. I hope You will like it.

"Look, I see Jubilife!" exclaimed Ash, looking in the distance.

"Look there Piplup. We live there" commented Akari to her new catch.

Entering in the village, people looked at the duo with mixed gazes. Someone was only glad, some others looked scared and someone else also angry.

Ash didn't care in any case. He was walking, speaking with Pikachu and Greninja and was completely relaxed.

Not the same was Akari. She was hesitant and also scared. After all, she had now a new Pokémon and this could be seen bad from the villagers.

She felt Pikachu's grip tightening on her shoulder as if trying to comfort her. She was glad.

She didn't notice that ash stopped his walk and was approaching her.

"Hey Akari, I know you are feeling pressure right now but, as a friend of mine says: no need to worry!"

Akari felt red coming on her cheeks at the closure with Ash, then she realized that one of Ash's friends had her same catchphrase.

Even now, she didn't have time to focus because Ash made a move again, startling her.

He took her hand and dragged her in the heart of the village. She was a red tomato by this point.

"Oh my. What in the Mighty Sinnoh could the villagers think of this?"

After some more running, she felt Ash's hand release hers, leaving her relieved and disappointed at the same time.

She looked up and see the reason why Ash had let his grip on hand: Director Kamado was there, in front of him.

Even if she knew that the man didn't have bad thoughts about Ash, she couldn't resist the urge to gulp.


The Alola region was known for a lot of good things: from beaches to the climate to the food. But was also known for the strange phenomenon of Ultra-Wormholes.

And those ones aren't exactly funny.

It was probably what was thinking right now Clemont while facing with the Alolans a big shiny Guzzlord.

They were in the Aether foundation laboratories, working on the strange distortion Clemont had found when a loud rumble spooked them.

Now they were fighting against the beast who was devastating houses and streets. Mallow and Lana had gone rescuing the civilians while Clemont and Kiawe were trying to distract the rampaging Pokémon.

"Damn, that thing is sure strong" commented Clemont while holding his glasses.

"Yes, and the worst part of it is that we are three men down" added Kiawe.

"What do you mean?" "Usually, we have Lillie, Sophocles and Ash with us"

Clement nodded, focusing again on the fierce battle unfolding. Luxray was boosted by electric terrain and was easily the MVP until now. Bunnelby was in trouble because he didn't have so many long ranged moves and closing the gap with the beast was easier to say than to accomplish. Even Turtonator and Charizard, two hardened battlers were in clear difficulty. Clemont gritted his teeth. Lana and Mallow had more pressuring thoughts with all the people that had been surprised by the creature and it was hard to localize injured people under the rubble, protect them from the deflected attacks and take them away.

The Pokémon's energy was slowly but surely going down as fatigue and damage came into account.

The situation was now rapidly going out of control and even Turtonator Z- move hadn't been enough to stop the fury of that Guzzlord and instead, had only consumed every remaining energy from the duo.

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