28. Volo ergo sum

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Welcome to chapter 29, the chapter that sets the last 12 chapters of this story. I hope you liked the last chapter but I can't know since I didn't receive comments or reviews, apart from Thor94 who asked a great question, whose answer is going to be revealed in the next chapters.

So, brace yourself, let's start.

That morning Ash was carrying woods with Greninja and Braviary to the pasture, and Pikachu and Growlithe were helping to milk the Miltanks that Akari captured last week.

Since Ash's arrival, the Village had changed quite a bit. People looked up to Akari who was like an inspiration for all of them.

However, most of them were starting to warm up to Ash as well.

Pokémon were starting to be accepted in the village and now Ash's and Akari's could go around without harm.

Cyllene was very happy for once. She had made some progress in establishing the Galaxy Team position on Hisui and the same could be said for Kamado.

Laventon was overwhelmed with all the information the Survey Corp was bringing back from the fields and more and more people wanted to learn how to catch a Pokémon.

The markets started to flourish: Gingko merchants started to come more often, and more material meant more buildings and more camps for the Survey Corp.

Diamond and Pearl clans' members started to visit Team Galaxy more often, bringing more knowledge to the Team. This was also used to improve arts such as farming, medicine, and architecture.

In six months, everything seemed to change for Hisui and, although someone was still doubtful, the majority of the population was taking the news in an appositive way. The future looked bright for them, after years of oppression and suffering.

The morning became afternoon and then sunset.

"So, how was your day, guys?" asked Ash walking down Floaro Road with Pikachu sitting on his shoulder and his other Pokémon following.

"Pika, Pikapi!" "Gren, Greninja!" "Braaaa" "Woof! Woof"

"Ahahah! Not all together guys!" laughed Ash. Then he noticed Pikachu's fur being sweaty and dirty so he got an idea: "I know it's kinda late and it's cold, but how about a small training session? We should take a shower anyway so better use this time!" he asked his partners.

Everyone went wild from excitement and cheered in choir with Ash pumping his fist into the air and proclaiming: "Okay guys! Let's run to the Training Area!"

As the sun glowed orange in the background, they leapt into a run.


Akari was home and was decorating the fireplace with two big socks and a bunch of other tinier.

"Here, Pikachu! And with this last one, we have finished"


The girl was in a happy mood. Christmas was coming on Hisui and, although people weren't used to this tradition yet, she looked forward to it, being one of the few good memories she carried from her childhood.

It turned out that Ash knew Christmas as well and that meant that the holiday was a thing even in the future.

As she made herself and her Pokémon a cup of tea and sat by the fireplace to sip it, she fantasized about how she was about to spend Christmas with a guy, happy to have someone by her side.

She saw the day becoming night but then she realized something: "Holy Miltank! I didn't buy anything for Ash!" she shouted jumping from her spot and scaring the drowsy Pikachu on her lap who fell to the ground with a loud thud.

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