20. Like Romeo and Juliet

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Here we are with Chapter 21.

Let's get immediately started.

Ash was a man to never stop. Never. But this time, he would have gladly had some time to rest before the next mission.

As soon as he met with Akari and Greninja, he was stopped by Cyllene, hurrying to give him another assignment. He was now in the Cobalt Coastland, a peaceful area overlooking the sea.

Ash recognized that place as the future Sunnyshore.

He was sent there to find the warden of another Pokémon, or better, the ex- warden since that Pokémon had been killed.

Apparently, it was Irida to ask Team Galactic to help with this warden. Ash wasn't exactly sure what the problem was but accepted, nonetheless. Not that he had a choice.

Of course, there was one major problem: Akari.

The girl wasn't exactly happy to know that Ash was going away so soon. She knew that she wasn't ready to explore regions so far from the village.

That was a case of Ash being stuck between the devil and the deep sea. He wanted to help Akari grow stronger to bring her to the next quest, but he didn't have time to do so. It would be nice to have company since he had spent so much time all alone. But again, not that he did have a choice.

When Ash accepted the mission from Cyllene, Akari went away crying.

Ash, being Ash, didn't know what to do. And, of course, Pikachu was there to lighten his path. Or better, to thunderbolt his path. After a well-needed zap, the Raven-haired trainer left the Training Area looking for the blue-haired explorer.

Cyllene sighed. That guy was a master with Pokémon, but a complete idiot otherwise.

After a day of running back and forth through the Village, Ash found Akari on a bench on the Prelude Beach, hidden by a wooden shed.


"Go away, Mr. -I'm too strong for you-"

"Hey, what's with the nickname?"

"Why can't I come with you?"

"You are not prepared enough to face frenzied Pokémon"


"They are too strong and dangerous"

"See why the nickname?" said the girl sarcastically.

"You know I would bring you with me if I had more Pokémon on hand. But I'm not sure if I could protect you right now"

"You don't need to protect me. I can do just fine even without you" She spat out.

"I'm sure you can" Ash answered, his face holding a serious gaze.

The girl was taken aback: "So why can't I come?"

"You are not ready yet. If you were in my time, you could do whatever you wanted. There, there is no real danger if you are unprepared. I should know since I was an idiot back then" he stated, Pikachu nodding his head while keeping his arms folded.

Ash sweatdropped.

Akari was boiling with rage right now. She couldn't stand this guy telling her what she should do.

"You don't know anything!" she shouted, catching Ash off guard. He didn't expect this but quickly regained his composure.

He sighed: "Fine! Do you want to see the power of the Pokémon we are facing? Fight me right now. Pikachu versus all your team!"

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