30. Alola who comes, Alola who goes

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Welcome to chapter 31. When I first started this story, I thought it would be short but the more I write, the more I think I need to extend something, rephrase other things etc...

Anyway, this chapter is going to be a fun time, so I hope you enjoy it.

See you at the bottom.

Brock had to read the text again and again. He wasn't sure if what he had read was real or not: Goh, Dawn, and this Serena wanted to track down Dialga and challenge him to go back in time and rescue Ash.

It made sense, of course. After all, he had been tracking down Celebi for the exact same thing until the hooded man appeared and chaos ensued.

But the thought of approaching Dialga like that and battling it was completely another thing. Two coordinators and Goh weren't a challenge at all. They were doomed to defeat before even starting.

And this wasn't your "If you believe it enough, you can do whatever you want" moment. This was serious, they couldn't be so dumb to think they stood a chance.

His brain was processing all the information on hand, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt the urge to fly away from that place.

The same feeling was pervading Clemont. He was tired of being there. Of course, part of him wanted to stay there, in particular, a certain green-haired girl, but the thought of Serena in danger like that was impossible to shrug off. What would Ash say if she got in danger, and no one helped her?

His thoughts were broken by a hand on his shoulder: "You should go" a feminine voice said from behind.

He turned and faced that girl: it was Mallow. Her eyes were dull, tiredness and fatigue transpiring through a simple gaze, but her caring warmth was still there.

He lost himself in staring at her, his mouth a little open, a gaze of uncertainty on his features. She went on: "I talked to the Professor and to Kiawe: there is a way now that the storm is calming down.

She smiled. He liked that smile. Then, he refocused on the matter. Brock had already gone to speak with Kukui.

Mallow took hold of Clemont's hand and dragged him with her. He followed. He was starting to like to be dragged by her.


"Do we have everything we need?" assured Dawn to the group while they were packing their stuff to leave.

"No need to worry, dawn" answered playfully Serena, putting her fedora on.

Dawn puffed her cheeks jokingly.

Goh, meanwhile, was checking his phone: "Now that everyone has a flyer, we can reach Mt Coronet in a day, but sadly, the weather is shit, so we might need to take the route through the caverns inside to reach the top."
"There shouldn't be any problem" commented proudly Dawn. "I asked Cynthia's grandma for this!" she said, taking from her pocket an old piece of paper.

"Wow!" exclaimed a surprised Serena, watching the paper: "it is a map of the cavern!" she proclaimed.

Goh was impressed and Dawn smirked, her hands on her hips: "Nothing can stop Dawn!" she boasted.

"Sure, except for your hair in the morning" snickered savagely Serena; "What did you say, Miss?!" shouted a now aggressive Dawn.

Goh only sweat dropped, Grookey mimicking his trainer's facial expression.


"This capsule was made by Aether Foundation a while ago." Proclaimed Professor Kukui, showing the group from the window of the Pokémon Centre a kind of nacelle.

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