23. The mountain at the center of the world

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Welcome. We are finally here with chapter 24. We are not so far from the start of the endgame. So be prepared.

"You were strong because you embraced your feelings; you used your emotions to connect with your Pokémon and with that, you were invincible. Never forget that power!" said Mesprit before handing to Dawn a red pearl.

"This will grant you the power to call Dialga. But be careful. Stormy clouds are coming and the future is uncertain. Be prepared" the pink Pokémon told Dawn before disappearing.

Dawn sat down to calm herself down. What a battle. Piplup, Quilava and Togekiss were still recovering, the bright sun entering the cave and projecting its rays to the ponds that dug the floor of the grotto.

They did it. They won. And now she should come back to Goh and Serena to prepare the jewel.

"I should call Goh to know where he and Serena are..." she sighed. She had learned a lesson, that was true, but she was exhausted.


That night the trio had a conversation. They told each other about their battles.

Then Serena interrupted the flow of the conversation: "I think you should come here to Celestic Town. I've found an old woman who claims to be able to help us with that."

"Wow, really?!" asked Goh, excited to know more.

"Yes. She told me she knew you Dawn and also Ash" the Honey Blonde performer stated.

"Wait! That's Cynthia's grandma!" exclaimed Dawn, still tired but also amazed by the revelation.

"Yes, she is! So, it's better for me to wait for her for you" the Kalosian girl said with a warm smile.

"Sure thing Serena! We are making quite the improvement!" cheered Goh who then added in a more serious tone: "And what about Clemont, Brock, and Gary?"

"Serena lowered her gaze and her smile faded: "I can't call Clemont. It seems that there is a bad tropical storm in Alola and all communications are shut down. I think we must go on on our ways until he can put a call us back"

"I tried to look for Brock, but he is also unattainable. He was in Johto but I called Professor Oak earlier and he told me that Brock had called him from Alola some days ago. So, I think something happened while he was in Johto. But nothing more" said a little defeated Dawn.

Then Goh added: "The last time Gary's phone was tracked down, he was in the northern part of Johto but now even he is uncallable"

There was a moment of silence as if pondering what to do next.

Serena spoke up: "I still think the best thing to do is go on on our journey and try to clear the path to Dialga. Clemont is with Brock so I'm sure he is okay and for this Gary guy, I'm sure Professor Oak can handle this. We should put all our efforts into our mission and then we will see. It's useless to be preoccupied with something we don't know about" she added with a bright smile.

Only Dawn saw what Serena was trying to do. She wasn't sure as well, she was scared, but she was trying to be a leader and a positive model, as Ash would do.

The blue-haired girl smiled and chimed in:" Yeah! I'm gonna ring off, so I can sleep. And tomorrow I'm gonna start my way to Celestic Town! No need to worry! Right?!" she said with the most excited tone she could muster at that moment.

They exchanged their goon nights and then Dawn put her nightwear on and headed to bed, not before having wished a nice night of sleep to her Pokémon. Piplup jumped on the bed as well and the girl turned off the lights. She sighed: "Ash, your charm never stops influencing people, I guess. Oh, how much I wish I can bring the cloak back to the old days...But also...I wish I could be with you, facing that world..." and while her eyes closed, soft strains of tears flowed through her cheeks.

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