2. Incident

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Welcome to chapter 3 of "When a life fades away".

First of all, I want to thank everyone who is reading and has followed the story because now it's time for the main course to start.

If you have questions or want to share tips, please leave a review and I will answer you.

But now, enough talking, here's the chapter, and see you at the bottom.

Goh loved a lot of things. He loved his Pokèmon, his travelling life, his friends Ash and Chloe, his Pokèdex and from time to time, also battling.

One thing he didn't love was to be waken up during the night by an explosion and an earthquake.

"What the fuck???" It was hard to hear him swearing but the stroke he nearly had at that point made the boy go mad.

"Ash, did you hear that?"

No response...

Then he noticed the empty bed and realized that something was off.

"Where did he go? And what happened?"

Turning the light on he saw that Ash's backpack and belt were still there but there was no trace of him, Pikachu but, most importantly, his phone.

"So he is not so idiot, isn't he?" He told to no one in specific since Grookey was more concerned about watching from the window of the room what was happening.

He tried to call him, but a robotic voice left him confused

"This number no longer exists. Check out if you have digited the number correctly and try again"

At first, Goh said nothing, stunned by that message, but the, something clicked inside his brain.

Eyes widening in realization, he took with him Ash's belt, got changed from his pijama and left the room dashing toward the exit before thinking that he didn't know where to go.

Suddenly sounds of sirens came from the street and the only thing he could think in that moment was following them.

"Flygon, I need your help!" said the boy enlarging a Pokè Ball from his own belt and summoning the large dragon Pokèmon.

"We need to follow those Police cars there. Ash could be in real danger!"


And the duo, plus Grookey, left, his destination being the source of the loud explosion that had put an end to the wonderful dream he was having about catching Mew with only a curve ball.

Meanwhile, Clemont and Bonnie were rushing in the streets although the boy was far behind his sister, tired from the day and also pissed off to have to put on hold his peaceful night.

There were a lot of people now outside, most of them just scared for the light and the explosion while others only interested in the event that had just unfolded.

They finally came to an halt when they saw a large crater fuming and police cars with copes trying to secure the area.

"What happened here?"

"Uh, you must be Clemont, the gym leader"

"I am"

"Well, from what we could see from surveillance cameras, a light came down from the sky and hit the ground creating this hole and the explosion. The streets were quite deserted, but we can't say if someone has been invested by the explosion".

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