26. Wandering through the snows (Part I)

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Welcome back. I had my exam and now I'm back to writing. So, today's chapter is going to be a big one, so much so that I divided it into two parts. So sit back, have a drink, and good reading.

Dawn had hung up the phone. Goh was slowly crossing the last valley that separated the snowy lands from Celestic Town.

She was now in Solaceon Town and in all honesty, she was enjoying this trip around Sinnoh. However, time was essential, and she couldn't waste it. Piplup was with her, a worried look on his face. Dawn sighed:

"I know you are worried but I'm fine," she said mustering a smile on her beautiful visage.

In all likelihood, Piplup was right. Since the battle with Mesprit, Dawn used to cry in bed and wake up suddenly gasping from nightmares.

She had reassured her Pokémon she was okay but, in all truth, this wasn't the case. Doubts, regrets, and second thoughts were crossing her mind. As a result, she became more and more oppressed by the thought of the upcoming fight with Dialga. She was the only one to have ever faced that beast before in all his might (Yes, Goh had seen it too, but the situation was way lighter)

She turned her gaze to the sky: "Ash, lend me your strength..."


A splash of water soaked both Lucario and Gary who suddenly regained consciousness.

"Woah, Blastoise, you'll ruin my hair!" exclaimed the researcher, jumping on foot, before stopping.

Lucario jumped on his paws and looked around.

The last thing they remembered was falling as soon as they entered the chamber.

Gary looked around: "Where the fuck are we?" he muttered under his breath with gritted teeth.

The environment around them was very harsh. Strong gusts of wind were striking them, a glacial wind that had molded the rocky ambiance around them throughout the years.

White rocks, some very rare shrubs... That was it.

It seemed they were on a high mountain, near the peak.

Gary, who was by now freezing, raised his gaze and saw something unbelievable. The top of this mountain had a majestic temple on top of it.

His eyes widened. How was that even possible?

Suddenly the same voice from before spoke again: "Come to thy Lord. I am waiting for thy"

Gary's heart accelerated suddenly: "Here goes make it or break it Lucario! Let's see what's next," he said, before nodding to Blastoise.


Ash had understood he was saved by someone but taken away. Or rather, that was his thought while he was wearing his clothes again. He noticed how bruised his jacket was but as for now, Akari couldn't help him to mend it.

He saw a winter jacket near a wardrobe, so he put it on and then exited the small hut.

Everything was white. Ash was reminded of his time in the northern part of Sinnoh. However, how did he get there? And where were his Pokémons?

"Oh finally you are awake! We were waiting for you!" exclaimed a familiar voice.

From behind the cottage, Irida came out, scaring the shit out of the poor boy.

"IRIDAA!?" he shouted before being tackled to the ground by Greninja, Growlithe, and Akari's Pikachu.

"Guys!" exclaimed the Kantonian trainer, relieved to know his friends were doing well.

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