18. The stars, so many years apart

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Welcome to the longest chapter for now of "When a life fades away". Yes, this is getting a common intro.

Let's get started

Azelf watched the girl exit his cavern and smiled: "Of course, she can't be the strongest trainer, but she put up quite the fight. In some of her moves, she reminded me of Ash...Also that fire in her eyes"

The Legendary Pokémon was impressed. From the soul of the girl, he had managed to see how willpower was leading her to her goal. This was all Azelf wanted from her. She was strong but not like a Legendary Pokémon.

However, the Lake Trio's trials weren't about strength, or at least, not that kind of strength. They were about the soul's strength. And Serena had passed it.


Ash was glad the Diamond Clan's members had offered him a place to sleep that night. He and Pikachu were tired, and some sleep could help.

They were now watching the sky outside, the moon lighting the darkness around Lake Valor.

"Pikaaaa!" whispered the tiny mouse Pokémon, enjoying his partner's caressing.

He was sitting on Ash's lap, being pet by him while enjoying the peace outside.

"The only thing that could make this night better would be some Bourbon. What do you say, Pikachu?" chuckled Ash.

"Pika, pikapi, Pikapika Kakachu!" said Pikachu between waves of laughter.

"Yeah! Chloe isn't that tolerant of alcohol! I still remember when she tripped and bumped into the professor's contraptions after she had drunk some beer!"

"Pikapikapika!" The duo laughed hard, reminiscing about events from their past journey and friends.

"Let's hope they are all fine. We saw Serena and Dawn... Damn, we should have spoken with them more" groaned the auburn-eyed trainer.

"Pikapika, Pikapi?" "Uhm, a walk? I'm kinda tired of walking but I guess that seeing the Lake and the Pokémon in the middle of the night is enough to drag me out of my bed" proclaimed Ash, holding his bicep and grinning. Pikachu got up and jumped on Ash's chest hugging him before heading to his spot on his shoulder.

With that, Ash and Pikachu exited the tent and headed to the Lake.

Gladly it was near the Diamond Settlement, so near that Ash could see it from there but it would be a long time before arriving there. So, in the end, it was Wyrdeer to have a pleasant trip with the duo watching the lake approach.

When there, Ash and Pikachu were amazed by the wonders they were witnessing.

That night the moon was full, bigger than usual, and accompanied by so many stars. The entire Milky Way was visible tonight, even with a so bright moon. It was magical.

The lake's water was so clear that it seemed like a mirror. Soft waves were crisping the surface and moving the moon's reflection in the water.

All around the basin, conifer trees were letting their branches move with the gentle breeze. The Combees were dancing around a Vespiqueen, the honey they produce, glistening in the wood like gems. Flocks of Murkrow and Honchkrow were landing on top of some trees, looking around for prey. A Staraptor was plunging into the water, surfacing with Barboach in his beak. In the distance, Kricketune's singing echoed in the air.

In the water, a Milotic and a Whiscash looked like they were dancing, jumping from the surface, and diving again, only for all other small Water-type Pokémon to watch and cheer the duo.

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