36. So it was you all along

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Hi everyone and welcome back to "When a Life Fades Away". The last chapter got deserted except for some offensive comments and that drained my drive a bit. Anyway, this chapter is the first of the final arc (4 chapters), so brace yourself (who is still following this) and let's get started.

As Ash and Pikachu made their way back to Hisui, they found themselves in a clearing. A tent made of branches and leaves had been built and the fireplace was still crackling with the embers. It looked like Greninja and the others had set the camp and even left two bowls with some sort of soup for Ash and Pikachu to eat.

The duo looked at each other and they smiled, eating the soup in silence and then crawling into the tent to rest a bit. What a magical night. Pikachu wanted to mock Ash a bit but decided against it. After all, he too well understood the situation and knew that this adventure could risk their lives. Ash wasn't one to live a romance with interest and he would have preferred to just let things happen...Let's say he let it that way.


In the quiet aftermath of the tumultuous night, a gentle knock echoed through Akari's small room. Startled, she wiped away the lingering tears and opened the door to find Cogita, the wise lady of the village, standing there.

"Cogita? What brings you here?" Akari asked, her voice a mixture of surprise and weariness.

The older woman offered a kind smile. "I've been watching over the village for a long time, child. I sense the weight on your heart and thought you might need some guidance."

"Come down with me, young one. I will take you to my place. There you will find the answers your heart aches to know".

"But I can't properly move!" cried Akari. The lady only answered: "You won't need to walk".

From the broken window, Akari saw a pink, slim humanoid creature, similar to a genie. She turned to face Cogita who only said: "Enamorus will be glad to carry your broken heart."


As the noise of Pokémon fighting became more distant Ash emerged from the dense forest. The towering trees gradually gave way to a more open landscape, and as he stepped into a snowy clearing, the grandeur of Mount Coronet came into view. Its majestic peaks reached towards the sky, light of unnatural colors coming from the top.

A sense of awe washed over Ash as he took in the breathtaking sight. The mountain, a symbol of mystery and power, stood tall and imposing. The air was crisp, and the distant sound of flowing water hinted at unseen streams and rivers meandering through the landscape.

Greninja, the stoic and powerful Water-type, appeared by Ash's side, his concentration aimed at patrolling the area with an eye waiting for some danger or predator. Lucario, the Aura Pokémon, walked with an almost meditative grace, his keen senses attuned to the energy that surrounded Mount Coronet.

Growlithe, the loyal Fire-type, trotted faithfully beside Ash, a warm and comforting presence. Braviary, the majestic bird of prey, soared above, his sharp eyes surveying the landscape with a regal gaze.

"This is it, Pikachu," Ash said, his voice a mixture of determination and reverence. "Mount Coronet. Our final big challenge."

The Pokémon, each a testament to the adventures they'd shared, echoed their trainer's anticipation. Greninja's eyes gleamed with readiness for battle, Lucario's aura flared with heightened awareness, Growlithe barked with infectious enthusiasm, and Braviary let out a majestic cry that echoed through the clearing.

With his team gathered around him, Ash felt a surge of confidence. The path ahead was clear, leading toward a small cave entrance which would lead ultimately to Spear Pillar. Ash could feel the energy of the place, a subtle vibration in the air that hinted at the ancient secrets and untold stories the mountain held. Every step brought him closer to the culmination of his journey in this mysterious land.

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