35. Night of wishes and fog

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Hi there again.

I'm deeply sorry for my absence but in the meanwhile, I wrote my Master's thesis, got my master's degree in Chemical sciences, and started a PhD program. So, I wasn't really able to squeeze in some time. But now, I'm here again to try and finish this book. Hope you will like what's next.

Under the starry night sky, Serena stood on her balcony, captivated by the beauty of the universe above. The gentle breeze played with her hair as she gazed at the countless stars that adorned the heavens. One, in particular, caught her eye, a shooting star streaking across the vast expanse of the night.

As it blazed a trail across the darkness, Serena couldn't resist the age-old tradition. She closed her eyes and made a silent wish, her heart brimming with hope. Her whispered words carried her deepest desires into the cosmos.

"I wish... I wish I could spend a night with Ash," Serena murmured to herself. Her voice was soft, almost like a secret shared with the stars. Serena knew that Ash was on an extraordinary journey, one that had taken him far from her. Though the bonds between them remained strong, the distance was a constant ache in her heart.

As the shooting star continued its fleeting journey, Serena's thoughts drifted to Ash, the boy who had captured her heart. She remembered his laughter, his unwavering determination, and the countless adventures they had shared. She longed for the warmth of his presence and the comfort of his friendship.

Yet, she also knew that Ash had a path to follow, a destiny that called him in a different direction, in a time not their own. The stars above held no answers, and Serena's wish, while sincere, couldn't change the course of time.

Tears welled in Serena's eyes as she watched the shooting star disappear beyond the horizon. She knew that the night, while filled with the magic of wishes, couldn't bring Ash back to her. Still, she clung to hope, to the belief that someday, their paths would cross again, and she would have the chance to spend a night with the boy she loved.

With a heavy heart, she returned to her room, the starlight filtering through the window casting a soft glow over her. Serena lay in her bed, alone in the quiet of the night, her thoughts filled with dreams of Ash, the boy who had forever changed her life.


Days were going by as Ash, Pikachu and his Pokémon were approaching the majestic Mount Coronet once again. The sky glowed as the strange phenomenon was making it distort its colors. Only night seemed to restore briefly the peace, allowing wild Pokémon to rest in the adversities. During this last stretch of travel, the young trainer had seen multiple species of Pokémon battling and being scared, their behaviors influenced by the calamity.

The thick forest they entered had sucked them into what looked like a diverse universe. Only the constant cries of wild species battling and fearing for their lives were a reminder of the catastrophic events unfolding in the once lively Hisui region.

As Braviary was leading the group from the skies, indicating Ash and Pikachu the direction towards the exit of the forest, Greninja and Lucario were collecting roots, plants and everything that could keep them satiated before their biggest fight. Growlithe, still the youngest of the group, was walking extremely close to Ash and Pikachu, the weight of the mission scaring the puppy Pokémon.

Suddenly a thick fog started to accumulate as seeing became difficult and the Kantonian boy was forced to halt all of a sudden.

He turned around and he couldn't see any of his friends except for Pikachu who was on his shoulder. He was starting to feel nervous at the thought he had lost his comrades when a voice echoed through the fog: "I wish... I wish I could spend a night with Ash".

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