10. Wind of changes

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Welcome to this new chapter. A lot is going to happen and you will see the development of a lot of characters in the next ones. So, I hope you will enjoy what I have in store for you.

Akari had to act. Her Pokéball in her hand. But first, she had to solve the problem unfolding in the village.

Kamado had been completely crushed by Ash and his confidence broken by a boy in front of everyone.

In her young age she had just seen how power could be appealing to men.

Before Kamado put an end to the fights for controlling the village, there were three factions in the colonizers, and it was only when one of the leaders of said factions died to a Pokémon assault that the remaining two decided to step back and put a super partes commander to organize the colonization of the Hisui region.

But human nature is always there back to strike when the strong ones suddenly become weak.

With that in mind, she took the word:

"Dear villagers. Have you seen what happened? A power who can defeat also the strongest of us. We made him leave. But wouldn't he be an important resource for us? With all those menacing Pokémon out there.

He made them go away. He calmed Infernape here. He saved my and our lives. Commander Kamado knew he is precious and tested him."

She felt a hand on her shoulder and she turned to see Kamado facing the crowd: "It is like she said. I needed to see how valuable that guy can be. He can be foreign, strange, even crazy with his stupid love for Pokémon but... He has a power no one here can have. We have a crisis to face with that crazy rift in the sky over Mount Coronet... He can be the guy to send there when the time comes."

Everyone in the crowd started to think about it... In the end, they knew it was a delicate time and that rift had scared everyone. Surely it would be better sending there an unknown guy than some friends.

They were still skeptical about the boy, distrusting him, but better keep someone as strong as him to their side.

So the mess was finally over. Trust in Kamado restored. The people saw him like the wise man that was fighting to ensure the village a powerful allay.

By that time, it was morning, and the villagers retired from the battlefield to start the day and make errands.

Only Akari and Kamado stayed in the spot.

"So Akari, you really think he is trustworthy?"

"Yes. He saved me. He and his Pokémon saved the village. He is a kind, brave and caring man... He loves his Pokémon so much that he preferred to leave the village instead of abandoning them. Maybe we don't share his thoughts, but he has a kind heart" answered Akari passionately taking again her hand to her chest.

Kamado raised an eyebrow but then went on: "What do you know of him? What did he say?"

"He only said that his Pokémon are the only family he has in this world, and he doesn't remember anything from his life"

"Very well, go and bring him back!"


"You want him back. Why on Earth would you take out you Pokéball if it wasn't to go outside the village?"

"Yes... I want to know him better and I don't want him to die."

"Go, Akari. Go get him!" stated the old man with a fatherly smile.

Akari was stunned for a moment and then grinned: "No need to worry!" she shouted and then began to run past the gate.

Commander Kamado smiled, watching the girl disappearing in the distance.

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