29. All together toward the goal

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Welcome back to chapter 30. I hope you liked the last chapter and I want to thank everyone who left a comment.

Now, without further ado, let's begin.

Lucario felt Ash's aura moving. He was right now crossing Horseshoe Plains.

He sighed. All this long road and it looked like Ash was moving toward the mountain.

However, he also felt a strange aura, one that was similar to the strange eerie presence he had felt on top of Spear Pillar. He took a decision: he would hide for now and he'd follow Ash in order to understand if his trainer was in danger.


"Where am I?" asked Gary, groggily.

He was in a forest, and around him stood a family of Vulpix. "I was at the Ruins..." he recollected, taking out his Rotom phone to check the map.

The device showed that he was in the middle of a wood near Celadon City: "What, did you see it, Blastoise? We are back in Kanto."

"Yes, my son," a voice said, "the world kept rotating while you were missing."

"Arceus? What does that mean?"

"It's too early to say but for now I can only tell you that the whole reason for this is that the future is unstable. What's happening with Ash is still to be determined, an entirely brand-new timeline is being rewritten. It's like you are living in two different universes and only when the threat is stopped, it will be possible to establish continuity and cause-effect relationships again across time and space."

"Until Ash completes his task, it is impossible to predict what will happen..." thought the researcher.

"Indeed, it is like that" answered the deity.

"Well, at last, I've got some more pieces of information. Ash is fine, he has a task, and only if he can pull through, the Universe will be safe, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, I will disappear, and it will be the kingdom for the Titans. Chaos will be..." completed the sentence God.

"Why Ashy-boi among everyone?"

"I needed someone young, strong, and kind-hearted to show an ancient population how Pokémon could be friends. The world already had a guy whose heritage would lead people to befriend Pokémon. However, someone changed the past and killed that guy before he could accomplish his destiny..." explained Arceus.

"Dammit... I need to inform the others. The plan has to be changed. We are the ones to go back in time and help Ash!" he proclaimed.

"I'm afraid it will be useless. fate will come true, whether you like it or not..."

"What does that mean?" asked Gary but this time no answer came back. He was confused and angry.

"Arceus is hiding something... Why bring me there if he only wanted Lucario to help Ash?! I must contact the others and find more help. They should be in danger without my news" said Gary apprehensively, trying to reach for his phone again when suddenly a swarm of Unowns appeared, running over Gary and knocking him out. Blastoise underwent the same end and the swarm of mysterious Pokémons, appearing out of nowhere, carried, in its fury, the two lifeless bodies through the woods and up to a more internal area, where a building with a gigantic R stood out, in front of a waterfall. The bodies fell into a bush and the Unown, as they had appeared, disappeared into thin air.

The phone, now abandoned in the middle of the forest was ultimately stomped by an Arcanine in his track, freeing the Rotom who inhabited it. The screen turned off for the last time.

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