Chapter 1

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Amber Chamberlin

I've always found it so funny how feelings and perspectives can change so quickly. You look at people and think, gosh how can they be so naïve, but you never really know what it's like to feel like that until you've experienced it. I was one of those people who judged people quickly on how naïve they where and I now know how wrong I was to do that. Once you've been through something like that, you never want to go through it again, but you end up doing so anyway. Feelings can be hurt so easily but you still love the person who crushed them anyway because you loved them too much. You couldn't explain it but it was undeniable.

"Amber quickly! We're going to end up missing the train if you don't hurry up!" My older sister, Jenna, cried as we weaved in and out of people in Kings Cross Station on the first of September 2020.

"She's always slow Jen, there's no hurrying her up." My older brother, Greg rolled his eyes as he practically bolted over a ticket barrier that you're supposed to walk through. We'd have security running after us if we weren't careful.

"I am hurrying up!" I sighed. It was hard to keep up with Jenna and Greg because they were both so sporty and I....well I wasn't.

September the first 2020 was the day that marked the start of my sixth year at Hogwarts School Of WitchCraft and Wizardry. I loved Hogwarts and I always looked forward to going back every year. Most kids would be thankful for the summer holidays but I never was. I hated going home because all I'd do was sit in our massive family mansion and do nothing for the whole summer.

My parent's, Daniel and Tamara Chamberlin, where really strict with all three of us. None of us were allowed out in the summer holidays. However, Jenna snuck out at night to meet her boyfriend, Matt and Greg always snuck out to go merlin knows where. I could never go and visit my friends because they lived to far away and we were still underage witches. I hated being at home.

It was always a relief to go back to Hogwarts and I counted down the days to September the first.

We finally made it to the wall between Platform's nine and ten with three minutes to go until the train left the station. Thankfully Greg and Jenna let me go through first so that I wouldn't end up banging into the wall just as the barrier closed at eleven o'clock.

I finally made it through and had no time to take in the beautiful sight of the Hogwarts Express because Jenna came running through seconds later, meaning that I had to quickly pull myself and my trolley out of the way so that she wouldn't crash into me.

"Come on Amber, what are you waiting for?!" Jenna called, ushering me over to where two wizards were loading the remaining luggage of students on to the train. We quickly gave them our luggage with Greg quickly following and forced ourselves through the door just as the train began to move.

"Few, we made it." Greg grinned, wiping his hand across his forehead in mock relief.

"It was your fault that we were rushing in the first place Greg." I rolled my eyes as we made our way down the train looking in each compartment to find our separate friendship groups.

"I was not, I was merely sorting out my hair- oh hey Kye!" Greg called to his friend before dashing up the train to sit in a compartment with his seventh year friends.

"Oh bye Gregory." Jenna rolled her eyes and we carried on making our way down the train. Even though Greg and Jenna where twins, they hardly ever got on. It was strange.
Jenna left me soon after to sit with her friends, Kathrine, Reeva and Helena in a Ravenclaw compartment. Jenna had always been the cleverest one in the family whereas myself and Greg lagged behind a little.

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