Chapter 44

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James Potter

Dad had managed to annoy Elijah so much that he had tried to attack him and a full battle became the outcome of his attack on Dad. Students, teachers, aurors, parents and other witches and wizards of the wizarding world were all now running around the Great Hall battling Death Eaters whilst Dad dealt with Elijah. 

"Amber, keep close to me okay?" I demanded, keeping a firm grip on her hand as we ran under the invisibility cloak. 

"James i'm a big girl, let me help I can heal injured people!" She cried, trying to let go of my hand. I took one look at her and sighed. She looked so determined with her wand held out ready to battle and her hair flying as she ran. 

"Fine. Be safe." I kissed her head once and let go of her hand. I watched as she ran towards an injured student, ducking to avoid spells that were being thrown around the Great Hall. 

"James! Where's Amber?!" Nadia, Cassie, Adira, Kyle, Tanner and Fred came running towards me, firing spells at different Death Eaters. 

"She's healing students over there, someone go and cover her!" The three girls nodded and headed off in Amber's direction whilst Tanner, Kyle and Fred followed me on my mission to find Al. 

I finally found him battling two Death Eaters with Uncle Charlie in the corner of the Great Hall. 

"Al! Where's Lily?!" I cried, stunning a Death Eater who was advancing on me. 

"Aunt Fleur and Aunt Angelina are looking after her with Aunt Hermione, Hugo and Lottie over there!" He pointed the hand he wasn't using to the other corner of the Great Hall where sure enough Lily was stood being taken care of. I quickly rushed over leaving Tanner, Fred and Kyle behind me. 

"Lily! Have the invisibility cloak." I cried, throwing it too her. She nodded her head once and caught it. Lily needed the cloak more than I did. 

"James!" Uncle Ron called me over, a look of panic on his face as he duelled Elijah with Uncle George. I ran over and began firing any spell that I could think of at Elijah. He was a well trained wizard and even Uncle Ron and Uncle George were struggling to deflect his spells. He needed to be weakened somehow. 

Aunt Hermione, Professor McGonagall, Victoire, Aunt Fleur and Dominique had began evacuating the younger students and the hall was now emptying meaning that there were less people on our side. We were beginning to struggle. 

I looked over at Amber and gasped when I saw that Nadia, Cassie and Adira were struggling to protect her whilst she healed the injured. Now Lily and Lottie had joined them to help. This was getting out of control and I knew it. 

Suddenly a spell hit me and I was flying through the air. I slammed against the back wall and flew to the floor groaning in pain. Two Death Eaters quickly rushed forward to tied me to a summoned chair. My wand was taken off of me and thrown in front of me just out of reaching distance. 

"JAMES!" Amber's voice cried across the hall. She had suddenly lost concentration and she too was suddenly flying through the air towards me. I winced as her body hit the wall. She had definitely broken her wrist by the way it was bent when the same two Death Eaters picked her up and tied her to a chair similar to mine. 

"Don't touch her!" I growled when one Death Eater went to stroke her cheek to taunt me. 

"Don't get so touchy Mr Potter." Elijah smirked. I looked over to see that Uncle Ron, Uncle George, Lily and Al had all been tied to chairs identical to mine and Amber's. What were they trying to do? 

As the battle went on, they slowly captured everyone that meant something to Dad or Mum and I could now see what they were doing. They were capturing everyone to taunt Mum and Dad, to get inside their head's. 

By the time the battle had calmed down, Elijah ordered his Death Eaters to keep everyone in the onlooking crowd back from trying to get to any of us. He'd said that if anyone tried to fight they'd be killed instantly. Everyone stepped back, Tanner, Nadia, Cassie and Adira all looking as angry as ever at the front of the crowd.      

Elijah had managed to capture and tie up a lot of people now including Aunt Hermione, Uncle Ron, Rose and Hugo. Grandpa and Grandma Weasley had also been captured as well as Teddy, Victoire, Uncle Bill, Aunt Fleur, Dominique and Louis. Amber sat next to me and next to her sat Lily, Albus, Kyle, Ollie and Lottie. Uncle Percy, Aunt Audrey, Molly and Lucy had also been caught. I hadn't seen them all night so I had no idea that they'd turned up. Uncle George, Aunt Angelina, Fred, Roxie and Uncle Charlie all sat on the end looking battle worn and tired. 

"Well what an achievement, some Potter's, Weasley's and Windsor's have all been captured. I'm sure this is the majority of the family!" 

"What are you trying to get out of this?!" Uncle spat, looking at Elijah in disgust. 

"Is it not obviously Weasley? I'm getting into Harry and Ginny Potter's head's." He smirked. 

"You're disgusting!" Al cried. 

"Thank you Mr Potter, I know." He gave Albus a smirk. "All we need now is the remaining Potter's and Windsor's." 

"No you can't!" Lily cried looking pained. 

"Oh I can. Here they come now." Elijah grinned. 

The doors to the Great Hall opened revealing different Death Eaters each holding Draco Malfoy, Scorpius Malfoy, Dad, Aunt Taylor, Uncle Mattie and one was carrying Mum who looked unconscious. Lily immediately began crying at the sight of Mum. 

What was most shocking however, was the ghost of Lord Voldemort that was walking behind the captured people. Colette's ghost was also walking with them. She looked crestfallen. 

"Tie them up!" Elijah ordered. All of the captured people were hauled forward and Astoria Malfoy was grabbed out of the crowd and tied to her own separate chair. 

Voldemort forced Colette forward and a ghostly sort of cage was formed around her. I had never seen anyone look so defeated as Colette's ghost did. Mum had finally woken up much to everyone's relief. 

"I can see her now." Amber gasped. She was staring transfixed at Colette's ghost and looked up with a horrified expression at Voldemort's ghost. 

This was going to be horrific. 


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