Chapter 26

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James Potter

Dear James,

How are you my dearest godson?!
I'm just writing to you to let you know that we're holding a surprise party for your Mum's birthday and it's at your house because your Dad insisted that your Mum wouldn't like anything big. I disagreed because my saying is if you party you gotta party hard! Oh well.
Anyway, I've been granted permission for you, Albus, Lily, Amber, Kyle and Lottie to be taken out of school for the weekend. Your Aunt Hermione is sorting permission out for Fred, Roxie, Rose and Hugo so don't worry.
Also, your Dad insisted that Amber gets an invite because we all love her and would totally agree if you asked her to marry you right now.
Please let your siblings and my children know because I can't be bothered to write more than one letter.

All my love,

Aunt Taylor

I laughed and rolled my eyes a little at Aunt Taylor's letter. She was completely crazy. I was surprised that they had even thought of having a surprise party for Mum because she hated surprises. She was probably going to kill Dad and Aunt Taylor when she found out that they were responsible for the organisation.

"Who's your letter from?" Amber sat at the side of me, kissing my cheek to say good morning.

"Aunt Taylor, they're having a surprise party for Mum and she was writing to let me know that you're invited and that we have permission to leave Hogwarts for the weekend." I smiled.

"Really? Aw you're family are great James. When is it?" She asked me with a smile.

"This weekend coming, Aunt Taylor really isn't organised ever." I rolled my eyes.

"That's Mum for you, what's she gibbering on about this time?" Kyle sat down, taking the letter from me and reading it over.

"A surprise party for Mum." I told him.

"Your Mum is going to hate this." Kyle shook his head.

"I know, Dad and Aunt Taylor are dicing with death." I chuckled.

"Did you tell Amber what this bit said about you two getting-"

"No! I didn't thank you very much!" I quickly cut him off, grabbing the letter off of him. I could feel my cheeks instantly going red. Damn you Kyle.

"Aw James are you blushing?!" Amber grinned poking my cheek.

"No." I mumbled, moving my face away so that she couldn't poke it.

"Come on what does it say?" She grinned prying the letter out of my hand's.

"It's my Mother Amber so don't be surprised that it's something crazy." Kyle rolled his eyes.

"Haha! Aw, I'm honoured." Amber laughed, handing me back the letter. I thought that she was going to freak out at what the letter said. Thank god she didn't.

"Good morning you lovely lovebirds." Lily sat down in the seat next to Kyle, Nadia and Cassie following her which left Adira to take the seat next to Amber.

"Lily that's disgusting." Cassie turned her nose up.

"I thought you shipper Jamber?" Nadia turned to her.

"Jamber, what the heck is Jamber?!" Amber cried, looking at her friends in bewilderment.

"Come on Amber, every ship has to have a name. Therefore, you two are Jamber." Cassie shrugged.

"Jamber really? It sounds like some kind of disease." I laughed a little at the name.

"James! Don't be so mean! This is your relationship you're talking about." Cassie rolled her eyes at me like I was dumb.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes in return. Girls, who ever would know how their brains really do work?

"Good morning my favourite people." Tanner sat himself in the seat next to me.

"Aw Tanner, are you in a complimenting mood today?" Adira laughed a little.

"No, I just wanted to think of a different way to greet you all this morning." Tanner shrugged, grabbing himself a bowl of cereal.

"Well thanks Tanner." Amber laughed a little.

"He's been acting weird all morning." Kyle shrugged.

"Whats wrong mate?" I whispered as the girls fell into their own conversation.

"Nothing! Nothing's wrong! Merlin I wish people would stop asking me!" With that Tanner stood up and angrily stomped out of the hall. What had gotten into him lately?!

"I'll go-" I started, ready to follow Tanner to see if he was actually okay.

"No I'll go." Nadia shocked us all by standing up and following in the direction that Tanner had just stomped off in.

"Do you think she's caught on?" Amber quickly asked us all after Nadia was out of sight.

"She could have, this is Nadia we're talking about." Cassie shrugged.

"Yeah she isn't dumb." I added.

"But she might not have, has she mentioned anything to you?" Kyle asked, looking pointedly at Amber, Cassie and Adira.

"No nothing, normally she would." Amber sighed.

"Yeah it's not like Nadia to keep secrets." Cassie told us.

"Maybe she just wants to keep herself to herself for a while." Adira suggested with a shrug.

"I don't know, me and Amber tell her everything." Cassie explained.

"Well if anyone can get Tanner to open up its definitely Nadia." I shrugged.

"Who's your letter from James?" Albus changed the subject as himself and Rose took spare seats.

"Oh it's from Aunt Taylor they've having a surprise party for Mum and she enclosed mine, yours, Lil's, Kyle, Lottie and Amber's invite's." I explained.

"What about Rose and Hugo?" Al asked looking confused.

"Apparently Aunt Hermione is sending theirs." I shrugged.

"Oh right." Al answered simply.

Minutes later Nadia and Tanner sat back down in silence not saying a word to one of us. What had happened?


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