Chapter 33

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Amber Chamberlin

"Come on Ginevra, we're going out for birthday drinks, just you and me." Taylor Windsor stood in the Potter's sitting room later that evening trying to convince Ginny to go out with her so that we could set up for her party.

"But Taylor, we can do that anytime. My children are home and I want to spend time with them." Ginny rested a hand on her hip and looked at Taylor skeptically.

"Mum it's your birthday, you should really go out and celebrate! Besides, we're going to show Amber the tree house later anyway." Lily shrugged.

"Only if you're sure?" Ginny looked around at us all.

"Of course we're sure Mum!" James told her with a smile.

"We'll only be gone for a couple of hours Ginny." Taylor rolled her eyes at her friend.

"Only if you're sure Harry I-" Ginny turned to her husband.

"Love of course I'm sure, I can take care of our children, they don't even need taking care of anymore." Harry shrugged.

"Yeah Dad's right, we'll be fine! Go and have fun." Al gave her a small smile.

"Come on Gin we haven't got all day." Taylor rolled her eyes and grabbed Ginny's arm, pulling her out of the house.

"Right! Let's get started! We only have a couple of hours." Harry quickly ushered us all into the Kitchen.

We had just started getting things out of the cupboards when Hermione and Ron apparated into the kitchen with Rose and Hugo in their arm's.

"Oh good! You're here, Hermione could you do some cooking for me?" Harry quickly asked her. She simply nodded and walked over to the cooker, following his instructions.

"James, Amber, could you go and move some furniture around in the sitting room and put some more chairs in there?" Harry asked us.

"Sure Dad, come on you." James tugged my arm so that I would follow him into the sitting room.

"You? I have a name you know?!" I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry Amber would you please move this table with me?" He grinned, bending down to lift one side of the coffee table that was positioned in the middle of the room.

"Of course I will James." I replied with a grin, bending down and picking up the other side of the coffee table.

"Will you two stop flirting and get on with it?" Lily stuck her head into the room and rolled her eyes at the two of us.

We listened to Lily and moved the furniture quickly and then went on to complete other jobs for Harry before Ginny and Taylor came back and the guests arrived.


The clock struck seven o'clock and we were all stood in the sitting room waiting around for the first guests to arrive. Everything had been completed on time and Taylor had managed to keep Ginny away.

"I can't wait to see Mum's reaction." Lily grinned excitedly.

"She's going to be horrified." James laughed, throwing his arm around my shoulder as we sat on the sofa.

"She's going to love it James, don't be silly." Hermione rolled her eyes at him.

"Taylor's done so well to keep her away for this long, I thought she'd intrude at the last minute to be honest." Ron shrugged.

"So did I. Mum isn't really one for going out." Al nodded in agreement.

"Well I'm glad she hasn't come back yet because it would've ruined the surprise completely." Harry looked relieved.

The doorbell suddenly rang, making Harry rush into the hallway ready to welcome whoever it was in the other side of the door.

"Did it take a long time for Aunt Ginny to go?" Rose asked, looking over at Albus.

"Fairly, she wanted to stay here with us but you know what Aunt Taylor's like, she insisted that they went out and she pretty much dragged her." Al shrugged.

"Typical Taylor." Ron shook his head with a chuckle.

"Hi!" Lottie Windsor bounded into the room seconds later with a grin. I didn't really know Lottie all that well but she definitely reminded me of her Mother. She was very hyper but also very kind.

"Hi Lott." Lily grinned, pulling her best friend into a hug.

"Hi everyone." Mattie Windsor walked into the room followed by Kyle and his oldest son, Olly who had brought his girlfriend Laura.

"Hi Mattie." Ron and Hermione smiled.

James gave them all a small wave from the both of us whilst everybody greeted each other.

"Mum's done a good job of keeping Aunt Ginny away." Lottie spoke up.

"Well if anybody could do it it was Aunt Taylor." James shrugged.

"I'm hoping everyone will arrive before Ginny decides that she's definitely had enough." Harry still looked nervous.

"Harry quit worrying, everyone will be here." Hermione told him, rolling her eyes.

As if on cue the doorbell rang again, making Harry rush into the hallway to let whoever it was in.

Mr and Mrs Weasley came next, followed by James' Uncle Bill, Aunt Fleur, Dominique, Louis, Victoire and Teddy. Around ten minutes later James's Uncle George and Aunt Angelina brought Fred and Roxie along with his Uncle Charlie. Then finally, their Uncle Percy came with his wife Audrey and their two daughters Molly and Lucy.

"Thank you everyone for coming, hopefully Ginny won't be too mad." Harry chuckled nervously.

"She's going to love it Dad." Lily rolled her eyes.

"You'll not be saying that when she's scolding us for keeping a secret from her Lils." James muttered.

"James shut up." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Only stating the truth." He smirked.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world Harry." Mrs Weasley said sweetly.

Before Harry could answer, the lock turned in the front door, causing us all to look at each other in panic. They were back.

"Everyone be quiet!" Lily whispered frantically. We all sat in silence waiting for Ginny and Taylor to enter the sitting room.

"Why is my house so quiet, it's never this quiet?" Ginny's voice could be heard from the hallway.

"Maybe they're just upstairs." Taylor sounded surprisingly calm.

"Yeah maybe." Ginny muttered. Seconds later the sitting room door opened and we all grinned shouting "SURPRISE!"

"What is this?" Ginny looked around the room at everyone with a wide smile. At least she liked it.

"Happy Birthday Mum." Lily smiled, quickly giving her Mum a hug.

It was a beautiful moment to witness. That was until everything went wrong.


I'm sorry for taking ages to upload this chapter but I had a very bad case of writers block. Finally I'm over it and I'm back:)

Thank you all for reading!

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