Chapter 43

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Amber Chamberlin

After Neville had said that Lily was in danger everything happened in a blur. Ginny quickly grabbed Harry and James' hand's whilst James' grabbed mine and we quickly apparated to Hogwarts. In moments like this you could tell that Ginny was such a determined woman and that she would do anything to protect the people she loved. 

"Flipping heck Ginny, that was quick, we didn't even lock the house up or anything!" Harry cried, a small smile of admiration on his face as he looked at his wife. 

"Like I care about locking the house up. Our daughter is in danger Harry. There are enchantments around the house anyway, it'll be fine and either Hermione or Taylor might have thought to lock up anyway." Ginny shrugged.

"Definitely not Aunt Taylor." James muttered.

Ginny quickly ushered us all up the path that led to Hogwarts. To say that Death Eaters were inside the castle everything was strangely quiet and it definitely didn't seem like a battle was going to start at all. 

"Ginny get down!" Harry cried, quickly tugging her around the side of Hagrid's hut. James acted quickly and pulled me with him, blocking me from the two Death Eaters who were walking down the path and looking around as if looking for intruders. 

"That was close. Be more careful Mum." James warned his Mum. He gave me a small smile and kept his hand clasped around my own. 

"Sorry I'm just determined that's all. They've had you once and now they've got Lily. I'm not standing for it anymore!" Ginny whispered harshly. I admired how much she'd do for a children and right now she reminded me of her Mother. Molly Weasley was exactly the same and I wouldn't be surprised if she turned up later trying to fight her way through Death Eaters even at her age. 

"We all are, but you still have to be careful Gin." Harry told her.

"I know! Now are we going to stand here all day or go and find Lily?" Ginny rolled her eye's at her husband and checked for death eaters before stalking up the path towards the castle. 

Harry quickly hurried to keep up with his wife whilst myself and James kept close behind. I had never been in a situation like this and it was fun but also very scary at the same time. I was having to constantly check around and behind me to make sure I wasn't being followed. We both quickly hurried to join Harry and Ginny as the crouched behind the wall where they had a clear view of the Death Eaters blocking the Entrance Hall and the entrance to the Great Hall. 

"Alright, we need a plan. If they're blocking the Great Hall, then obviously they're inside the Great Hall." Ginny told us, looking at us all one by one. 

"Well I brought the Invisibility Cloak if that helps?" James asked his Mum. 

"I thought Al had the Cloak?" Ginny narrowed her eye's at him. 

"He did but I asked him if I could borrow it for a mission that I had to do, but I haven't given it back to him yet." James explained, shrugging his shoulder's. 

"Okay, I suppose that you and Amber could go under the cloak and stun two of the Death Eaters. Also cast a silencing spell so that people inside the Great Hall won't suspect that anything is going off just yet. The other two Death Eaters will put up a fight and that's where we come in, we'll duel the other two then meet you outside the Great Hall." Harry told us the plan. I nodded quickly, taking in what he had said. 

"Hey guys." A loud voice spoke.

"Taylor! Shut up and get behind the wall!" Ginny cried, pulling Taylor down so that she wouldn't be seen. Mattie quickly joined us, looking worried about his wife and obviously his daughter, Lottie, who was inside the castle. 

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