Chapter 19

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James Potter

I quickly ran through the crowd, desperate to get to where the cry came from. What had happened?! Why had Amber's name been shouted? Was she okay?

"Excuse me please let me through, that's my girlfriend!" I cried, pushing through the crowd until I finally made it to the front of the crowd where Nadia and Cassie stood with their hand's covering their mouths and tears running down their face's. I followed their gaze and my legs nearly gave way beneath me.

My beautiful Amber laid on the floor with her eye's wide open and blood seeping out of her mouth. My eyes filled with tears and I nearly ran forward until Tanner stopped me, throwing his arm out to keep me from charging towards her. What had happened?!

"Is she-is she dead?" I cried as tears dripped down my face.

"We don't know." Cassie told me quietly, holding onto Nadia for dear life.

"AMBER! MY BABY!" Mrs Chamberlin ran forward, quickly followed by her husband, Greg and Jenna.

"Let me through please!" Dad's voice could be heard from somewhere behind me. He then pushed back and made his way over to Amber's body. Dad told them something and they moved aside, clinging to each other as Dad checked Amber to see what was wrong with her.

"Is she going to be okay?" Jenna whimpered.

"She's been cursed, a bad curse at that. She needs to be taken to St Mungos right away." Dad told them. Dad then bent down and picked her up, walking out of the hall with her family quickly following him. I then darted after them, there was no way that I was going to be left in the dark throughout this.

I watched slowly as Dad handed gave her to Mr Chamberlin and wished them luck before they all apparated away. She was gone and I couldn't follow her.

"Dad? What type of curse is it? Is she going to be okay?!" I asked as Dad made his way over to me.

"I can't quite say at the minute James but it was a bad curse." Dad sighed, resting his arm over my shoulder's as he saw the sadness on my face.

"Can I go and see her?" I asked him as we walked back into the hall.

"That's not for me to decide James, but when I go and check on her I'll ask her parent's to see if they will let you visit her." I told me with a small smile.

She'd better be okay. I'd finally got her and now I was slowly losing her.


For the days that followed I lay awake at night and stayed in my bedroom during the days. I just didn't want to see anyone and we hadn't heard any news back from Amber's parent's. It was just making me more worried by the second.

Nadia and Cassie were also extremely worried and upset, I received an Owl from them both most days asking if I'd heard anything. But I always had to tell them no and it was heartbreaking.

Today Dad was going to go and visit the Chamberlin's and Amber in St Mungos to see how she was doing. He didn't really know them, but I was glad that he was making the effort for me because I couldn't visit her without her parent's permission. However, because Dad was an Auror, he could visit her.

"James, Mum wants you to come down for dinner." Albus knocked on my door.

"Okay I'll be down in a minute." I told him. As soon as I knew that he had reached the bottom of the stairs, I slowly opened the door and followed in his footsteps. Mum was persistent that I ate because it was important even though I didn't exactly feel up to it.

Mum, Albus and Lily were all sat around the table when I made it downstairs meaning that Dad was probably still working or that he had gone to see Amber.

"How are you feeling honey?" Mum asked me with a sympathetic smile.

"I'm fine Mum. Where's Dad?" I quickly changed the conversation. I hated sympathy.

"He's gone to St Mungos to see how Amber is getting along. Don't worry, I'm sure she's going to be just fine." Mum told me with a small smile.

"Do they know what happened yet Mum?" Albus asked suddenly.

"Unfortunately no. Your Dad's working tirelessly to find out who hurt Amber in our other house though. We have very tight security there so we don't know how it happened. We doubt that it was one of our guests." Mum sighed.

"Mum maybe you should double check the guest lists to see who actually did turn up?" I suggested.

"Yes your Dad said that too, but we also have those Muggle security camera things up. Aunt Hermione suggested them because not many witches and wizards know about them. We're going to check the tape on those too." Mum told us.

"Does Amber have any enemies James?" Lily suddenly asked.

"No I don't think so I.....wait we need to check that guest list now!" I cried, suddenly standing up. If Kieran had attended that party it was possible that he could of done something to Amber out of jealousy. But why would he hurt Amber so badly? He was meant to be her best friend and be in love with her!

"James what do you know?" Mum asked, frowning a little.

"I invited Kieran to the party and things didn't end well between him and Amber at the end of last year! It might've been him, you need to check that guest list Mum!" I cried.

"James can we please eat first?" Mum sighed.

"Mum! This is Amber's life that we are talking about! We haven't got time to be sitting around!" I told her. Mum sighed again and took off out of the room, I quickly followed behind her. She quickly opened the door to Dad's office and swiped a long piece of parchment off of his desk. We left the room again and made it to the kitchen, sitting down once more as Mum inspected the List of guests that attended the New Years Eve Party.

"What's his name?" Mum asked.

"Kieran, Kieran Miles." I told her. Mum then looked over the Guest list more than once and shook her head.

"His name is on the guest list." She sighed.

"We need to inform Dad now!" I told her. I knew it was him.

"James! James, calm down, you have no proof that this was the person who cursed Amber. Besides your Dad said that that curse is well above what a school aged person could do. Talk to him when he gets back and maybe he'll let you look at the camera footage with him." Mum told me.

"Fine." I sighed, sitting back down in my seat at the dining table. 

"I know you're worried about her honey, but the healers are doing their best." Mum rested her hand on top of my own. 

"But I only just got her and now i'm going to lose her." I sighed again. 

"James, you need to have hope. Amber's a really tough person, she'll fight this in the best way that she can." Lily told me as she ate her food. 

"You're right." Of course Lily was right, she was always right about everything.

"James i've never seen you so hung about a girl before." Albus spoke up. 

"That's because I actually love this girl Al, i've never felt this way about anyone before." I told him. 

"Then hold on to your hope, Amber's going to be okay." Lily gave me a confident smile. 

They were right, I just had to hope and pray that she was going to be okay. I loved her and I couldn't lose her now. 


Hi! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to update again especially on a cliffhanger like that! 

Do you all think that it's Kieran now that we know that he did attend the party or is it someone else? Hmmmm...

Thank you for reading! 


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