Chapter 37

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Amber Chamberlin

It was getting dark by the time myself and James apparated to the apartment block where our new apartment was located. Thankfully Dad, Greg and Harry had helped move everything from our houses into the apartment during the day meaning that we didn't have to move things in the evening in the dark.

"It's so weird to think I'm never going to be living at home again." James stated as we climbed the stairs up to our apartment.

"It feels right though, I'm glad that I'm out of that house." I sighed out in relief.

"Greg didn't want you to go." James said as we climbed the last flight of stairs.

"No he disapproved from the first moment that I mentioned it." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh well I'm sure he'll get used to it." James shrugged.

"If not he'll just have to put up with it." I shrugged, pulling out the key to the apartment when we came to a stop in front of the door. As the door unlocked I pushed it open and stepped inside, switching the lights on.

"SURPRISE!!" I jumped back and turned my head to look who was invading our house.

Fred, Tanner, Nadia, Cassie, Kyle and Adira stood behind the sofa with a banner that read "WELCOME HOME JAMES AND AMBER!" Grins on their faces.

"What are you all doing here?!" I laughed, trying to steady my heart beat after the shock that they had just given me.

"Better question, how did you all get in here?!" James looked at each face.

"We're throwing you at surprise house warming party obviously!" Cassie looked at us all like we were stupid.

"Well you see James, there's this little spell called Alohomora which opens doors." Nadia rolled her eyes at him.

"You're all crazy." I laughed, stepping into the room and hugging Adira who was the first person I could reach.

"I'm surprised you haven't realised that before now Amber." Kyle laughed as he hugged me.

"Oh I have, I just have to remind myself every now and then." I replied.

"Why did you have to pick an apartment on the top floor I'm knackered!" Tanner cried, stepping out from behind the sofa.

"Tanner, the building only has three floors." James rolled his eyes.

"Well three floors is too much!" He threw himself on the sofa and breathed out a sigh of relief.

"That's right Tanner, make yourself at home." Adira rolled her eyes and laughed a little.

"That's what Tanner does best Adira." Cassie rolled her eyes at him and walked over to the Kitchen where food was set out of the counter top.

"We left Fred and Kyle in charge of food and they came back with Chinese takeout, apparently it's good according to Kyle cause his Mum eats it all the time." Nadia shrugged, looking in the bags and looking at the different dishes in confusion.

"It's great I promise!" Kyle smiled from where he was sat between Tanner and Fred on the sofa.

"We'll have to take his word for it." Nadia muttered.

"Thank you all of you, this is lovely." I told them all, sitting on the arm of the chair that James had made himself comfortable in.

"Oh don't be silly! We had to come and see what the apartment was like and it's lovely by the way, we just felt like surprising you." Cassie smiled widely.

"So basically you only came along to be nosey and look around Amber and James' apartment." Tanner smirked at Cassie.

"Shut up Tanner! Of course not! I came to see my friends actually." Cassie scowled at him.

"You two! Please! You promised that you wouldn't argue today." Nadia looked between the two of them with a frown. Nadia was definitely the Mum of our group, especially when it came to Cassie and Tanner's petty arguments.

"Sorry Nads." Tanner turned away and shared an amused grin with Fred. He loved to wind Cassie up because he would just laugh at her reactions.

"Let's have some food." Adira quickly changed the subject by handing out paper plates to each person.

"How did your Mum react to you moving Amber?" Cassie asked, calming herself down by turning away from Tanner so that she couldn't see him mimicking her.

"Well at first they hated the idea but Mum and Dad got used to it, Greg was the worst, he's still not happy that I've left home already." I shrugged.

"He'll get used to it." Nadia smiled encouragingly.

"Well he'll have too because I'm not moving out any time soon." I looked around at the apartment and then at James and smiled. This was exactly what I had always wanted.


"I can't believe they all came to surprise us today." I smiled as I closed the door behind Tanner on his way out.

"I know, they never fail to surprise me." James laughed.

They had finally left at two in the morning after they decided to help us unpack some of our things before leaving. Between us we had managed to empty most of the boxes and the apartment was now beginning to look like a little home for me and James. I had never felt so comfortable in a place before except from Hogwarts and it was great to feel that way.

"Me neither." I laughed in response and turned the light off in the sitting room before walking into the bedroom where Nadia, Cassie and Adira had been putting up pictures and putting away some of my belongings. It looked so homely and cosy.

"I'm so tired after today." James sighed throwing himself back on the bed and sighing out in relief.

"So am I." I agreed, walking into the ensuite bathroom and beginning to remove my make up.

I looked over at James and smiled at his sleeping face. It was a mystery to me how he could fall asleep that quickly but he had always been a heavy sleeper and it always took him just a few minutes to fall asleep whereas it took me around half an hour.

He was always going to be a mystery to me, but I couldn't wait to find out more about him on this new chapter of our lives together.

Hello! I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to update and I can't promise when the next update will be, hopefully soon.
Thank you to all of you that keep reading this story, I promise this story is no where near its ending yet, there's still a lot more to write!

Thank you for reading,

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