Chapter 16

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Amber Chamberlin

Dear Amber,

I hope you've been enjoying your Christmas so far, mine's been okay but I'm also looking forward to going back to Hogwarts. It's been fairly quiet without Kyle and my Aunt Taylor this Christmas.

Enclosed is an invitation for you and your family inviting you all to our annual New Years Eve Party. Mum and Dad decided that they want to meet all of my friends and their families so you're all invited to come. I hope you can!

I hope you liked your present, see you next week maybe.

James Potter

I smiled as I finished reading James' letter, pulling out the attached invitation that had 'New Years Eve Party' written in the front. By just reading the letter I could tell that James had been nervous about sending the letter, but it was very sweet. I couldn't believe that his parents had invited all of James' friends including their families to their party. It was very kind of them.

"What are you smirking at Amb?" My cousin, Kyla, walked into the room.

As it was Christmas, my Aunt Elena who was my Mother's sister, had come to stay for the holidays bringing her two daughters Camilla and Kyla with her. As they lived in France, they had a very strong accent just like my Mother had. My Mother's parent's Maria and Alexander had also come to stay for Christmas.

"It's just from a friend Kyla." I replied.

"Is it from the same friend that bought you that gorgeous necklace?" She smirked. I nodded and smiled down at the beautiful ruby encrusted necklace that James had bought me for Christmas. I was in awe when I opened it, and I still was now.

"Sounds like more than a friend if you ask me." Jenna and Camilla entered the room and sat down on the edge of my bed.

"Is it from James Potter?" Jenna grinned. I just nodded, placing the letter in the top draw of my dressing table.

"A Potter?!" Camilla cried, looking amazed that I was friends with a member of the Potter family.

"Oh Amber that boy is obsessed with you, why don't you give into him?" Jenna rolled her eyes.

"He doesn't like me like that Jenna." I told her, standing up from my chair, ready to take the invitation down to my parent's. I rolled my eyes as the three girls looked at me like I was completely mad.

"Amber Louise Chamberlin, you are not seriously telling me that you think that this boy doesn't like you are you?!" Kyla asked me.

"Okay, maybe I'll just talk to him about it." I shrugged. By now, I was pretty sure that I was maybe falling for James and I really didn't like it. I just needed to talk to him about it to set things straight.

"What's that?" Jenna asked before snatching the invitation out of my hand.

"To Mr Daniel Chamberlin, Mrs Tamara Chamberlin, Gregory Chamberlin, Jenna Chamberlin and Amber Chamberlin, you are invited to The Potter family mansion on the 31st of December at 7pm for our annual New Years Eve celebration. From Harry, Ginny, James, Albus and Lily Potter. RSVP Mrs Ginny Potter or James Potter." Jenna looked up at me with a smirk.

"What's that look for?" I asked her wearily.

"I can't believe we have actually been invited to the Potter's New Years Eve Party! Amber you're an absolute blessing sometimes! MUM!" Jenna ran from the room with the invitation clasped in her hand.

"Jenna wait!" I quickly ran after Jenna and found her stood in front of Mother's desk in her office.

"Amber did you receive this from your friend darling?" Mother asked me.

"Yes, he sent it me earlier this evening." I told her.

"Mum I heard that the Minister for Magic is attending!" Jenna grinned.

"What's going on?" Greg and Dad walked into the room.

"Amber received this from her friend James Potter earlier this evening." Mum told Dad, handing him the invitation.

"What is it?" Greg asked, craning his neck to try and see the invitation.

"It appears to be an invitation to the Potter's Annual New Years Eve Party." Dad told him.

"Are you serious?" Greg asked, taking the invitation from Dad so that he could read it.

"I wasn't lying Gregory." Dad rolled his eyes.

"Are we going?" Jenna asked excitedly.

"Well I don't see why not, it was very kind of the Potters to invite us." Mum smiled.

"But Tamara, what about your parents, sister and nieces?" Dad asked her.

"Mother, Father, Elena, Camilla and Kyla are leaving just before New Years Eve so that they are back at home." Mum told him.

"Very well. Inform Mr Potter that we will be attending Amber." Dad told me.

"Of course Dad." I gave him a small smile and left Mum's office, walking back to towards my room which appeared to be empty. Where on earth were Camilla and Kyla?

I rolled my eyes and sat down at my desk, grabbing a roll of parchment so that I could reply to James' letter.

Dear James,

I'm glad you're enjoying your Christmas! Mine's okay, but I'm also looking forward to going back to Hogwarts. Have you heard from Cassie this Christmas? I haven't and I'm a little worried.

James, I absolutely loved my present thank you so much. However, how much money did you spend on me?! You really shouldn't have, I'm nothing special! But thank you anyway.

Also, my family would like me to inform you that we are able to attend your New Years Eve party and to thank very much for the invite.

I'll definitely see you next week,

Amber Chamberlin

"Who are you writing to Amber?" Kyla walked through the door carrying a purple dress over her arm.

"I'm just replying to James Kyla." I told her, rolling my eyes as I sealed the envelope.

"Ooh, are you going to that party?" Kyla asked as she sat down on the edge of my bed.

"Yes, Mum and Dad said it was an honour to be invited so we're going." I replied.

"I can't believe you are friends with a Potter Amber, and he's interested in you! You're so lucky!" She gushed.

"Kyla, I knew James before I knew he was James Potter and he's always been just James to me. He's arrogant, annoying, has an ego about the size of the moon, but he's also kind and caring and he really cares about his friends. I don't see him and his family as celebrities, they're just people." I told her.

"Amber you really care about him don't you?" She asked me with a smirk.

"He's a good friend Kyla, that's all." I denied, turning back to my desk.

"Don't hide from me Amber Louise, I know you do." I could feel Kyla's eye's burning into the back of my head. I sighed and turned to face her. Maybe Kyla was right, maybe I was starting to like James. Everything he was doing lately was unbelievably kind and caring, especially when it came to the stuff that had been going on with Kieran.

"I don't know Kyla, I'm just not sure yet." I sighed.

"Then like you said before, talk to him about it on New Years Eve." Kyla smiled.

"I'm going too." I replied.

"Good on you cousin of mine."

"Whatever Kyla."

I was definitely going to talk James about this, whether I liked it or not.


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